WWII First Nine Weeks The Enlightenment

  • Oct 29, 1415

    John Huss was burned at the stake for being of the Catholic Church

    John Huss was burned at the stake for being of the Catholic Church
    Plays role in the starting the Reformation
  • Oct 31, 1419

    Prince Henry founded the school navigation

    Teaches people how to navigate with compasses and other tools
  • Oct 31, 1450

    Horses and Cattle were shipped along the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade to the Americas

    Brings new transportation and food to the Americas
  • Oct 31, 1450

    Gutenburg invented the printing press

    Gutenburg invented the printing press
    Allowed information to be spread out and read by anyone
  • Oct 29, 1453

    Ottomans conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul

    Ottomans conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul
    Conquer the Byzantine Empire making it muslim
  • Oct 29, 1492

    Columbus' first voyage was sponsored by Spain to sail west to reach Asia

    Columbus' first voyage was sponsored by Spain to sail west to reach Asia
    Opens colonization of the Americas, linkiing the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western
  • Oct 31, 1497

    Da Gama establishes trade with India for the Portuguese

    Da Gama establishes trade with India for the Portuguese
    Established trade with india for Portuguese
  • Oct 29, 1498

    Da vinci painted The Last Supper

    Da vinci painted The Last Supper
    Part of the renaissance
  • Oct 29, 1509

    Erasmus writes the Praise of Folly

    Erasmus writes the Praise of Folly
    Reforming of the church
  • Oct 29, 1517

    Martin Luther wrote the 95 thesis

    Martin Luther wrote the 95 thesis
    Martin Luther starts the protestant reformation by writing the 95 thesis
  • Oct 29, 1519

    Cortez the Navigator and his forces conquered the Aztec

    Conquered more land for Spain
  • Oct 31, 1519

    Mallegan becomes the first person to circumnavigate the world

    First person to sail around the world
  • Oct 29, 1532

    Pizarro conquers the Incas

    Conquering more of South America
  • Oct 29, 1533

    Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church in Rome and divorced his wife

    Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church in Rome and divorced his wife
    Henry VIII becomes the first person to divorce someone and became head of the Church
  • Oct 31, 1533

    Copernicus created the Heliocentric theory

    Made theory that said Sun was at the center of solar system
  • Oct 31, 1534

    Henry VIII becomes of the head of the Anglician Church

    Takes control of church land gaining more power
  • Oct 31, 1534

    Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and Montreal leading the French Claim to Canada

    Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and Montreal leading the French Claim to Canada
    Helped France claim land and colonize Canada
  • Oct 31, 1534

    The Jesuits were created during the Catholic Reformation

    The Jesuits were created during the Catholic Reformation
    Followers of Jesus created during Catholic Reformation
  • Oct 31, 1536

    John Calvin beliefs establishes Predestination

    John Calvin beliefs establishes Predestination
    Belief that god has already chose your destiny
  • Oct 29, 1545

    Followers of Catholic met at the Council of Trent

    Catholic invite Protestant to discuss issues, but Protestant does not show
  • Oct 31, 1571

    Kepler discovers planetary motion

    Kepler discovers planetary motion
    Say the orbits are eclispes of the sun
  • Elizabeth I defeated the Spanish Armada

    Elizabeth I defeated the Spanish Armada
    England demonstrates strength and maintains religion
  • Galileo used his telescope to prove the heliocentric theory

    Proves heliocentric theory
  • The Thirty Years war was fought in Germany

  • Cromwell wins the English Civil War and executes Charles I

    Cromwell wins the English Civil War and executes Charles I
    Takes control of England, being to the first to execute a royal publicily
  • William Harvey studies the animals and anatomy to create an accurate theory of the heart and circulatory system

    William Harvey studies the animals and anatomy to create an accurate theory of the heart and circulatory system
    Helped us understand the human body more
  • Peter the Great westernized Russia

    Peter the Great westernized Russia
    Catches Russia up to the western empires
  • Louis XIV builds the Palace of Versailes

    Louis XIV builds the Palace of Versailes
    Forces nobles to live with him and gains more power
  • Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes

    Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes
    Makes everyone follow Catholic Faith
  • William and Mary rule England after the Glorious Revolution

    Rule after James II is removed from the throne
  • John Locke wrote the Two Treaties on Government

    John Locke wrote the Two Treaties on Government
    Stated the false principles of of Sir Robert Filmer
  • Montespuieu writes the Spirit of Laws

    Montespuieu writes the Spirit of Laws
    Meaning of laws
  • Rousseau writes the Social Contract

    Rousseau writes the Social Contract