Word of the Day-- Week of October 19

  • Distinction

    Noun// Differentiation between or among things; the condition of being different There is a big distinction from me and my sister, she is taller than me.
  • Insulated

    Verb// To set apart; detach from the rest; isolate I was insulated from my group when I went to the restroom.
  • Misconstrue

    Verb// To construe wrongly; misinterpret; misunderstand I misconstrued what she said because it was supposed to be funny.
  • Fecundity

    Noun// Fertile, fruitful, productive, prolific I had a fecundity day today, I got everything that I wanted done today and more!
  • Epitome

    Noun// A person or thing that shows all the typical qualities of something. They are epitome in soccer because they are good at all the qualities you need for it.