what if the printing press never existed

  • 1440

    church gains power

    church gains power
    the church stops the spread of controversial ideas
  • 1440

    literacy does not advance

    literacy does not advance
    people who speak English still wont be able to read
  • 1440

    data and research aren't spread quick enough

    data and research aren't spread quick enough
    knowledge of new things or inventions is not passed around quickly
  • 1517

    protestants are terminated

    protestants are terminated
    the protestant reformation doesn't happen and the catholic church stays in power
  • 1517

    nobody would challenge the catholic church

    nobody would challenge the catholic church
    nobody would question or challenge the catholic church because they never actually saw the 95 theses
  • 1526

    bible is not printed in English

    bible is not printed in English
    peasants don't change their opinion on the church because they cant read it
  • 1543

    No scientific revolution or enlightenment

    No scientific revolution or enlightenment
    We stay clueless in science,math,physics,astronomy and biology