Western Expansion Timeline

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    Daniel Boone

    He was an American Pioneer that was most known for discovering what now is Kentucky and settlement.
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    Eli Whitney

    American inventor that made the cotton gin in 1793
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    Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

    They formed a trading post near the Oregon Trail. They later made a Cayuse for many immigrants to stay which killed all children and most adults. These people were then killed along with 12 other people which became known as the Whitman massacre.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Was meant to explore and map the new territory and route across the western half before Britain and other Europeans tried to claim it.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Land deal between United States and France. U.S gained about 870,000 square miles of land.
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    War of 1812

    A war between United States and Great Britain over U.S maritime right violations.
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    John Fremont

    Military officer that was the first candidate of the anti-slavery republican party for office of the President of the United States.
  • Indian Removal/Trail of Tears

    This was the cause of the Removal Act of 1803 because of a land exchange. It gave them the right to relocate any Native Americans in the East territory.
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    Texas Revolution

    American settlement in Texas rose which led to disagreement and war between independence or a return of Mexican Constitution of 1824.
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    Oregon Trail

    Started with 1,000 pioneers migrating then several thousands started to follow the path being pulled by wagons and oxen.
  • Manifest Destiny

    They believed that god wanted us to have the land. American Expansion across the North America. This was first stated by John L. O'Sullivan in an article which was edited.
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    The Mexican War

    Armed conflict between the United States and Mexican forces. Started because Mexico attacked a group of US soldiers killing a dozen. This started war and when the dust cleared Mexico lost one-third of its land.
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    The Donner Party

    Looking for a quick route to California and they get lost and snowed in which leads to them eating each other.
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    The California Gold Rush

    James W. Marshall found gold in California. 300,000 people started coming over to California half by water and half by the California Trail.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer’s Last Stand)

    This happened because Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors missed the deadline to reach reservations which led to US Army confronting the them, they were quickly outnumbered and overwhelmed which led to Custer's Last Stand.
  • The Massacre at Wounded Knee

    Last conflict between Federal Troops and the Sioux. This led to 150 Native Americans dead.