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Manifest Destiny

  • Monroe Is Sent To France

    Monroe Is Sent To France
    After the Louisiana Territory was returned to France from Spain, the leader, Napolean, planned on raising crops for French slaves in this area. Unfortunately for American farmers, New Orleans was part of Louisiana. New Orleans was where farmers sent their crops to be marketed and shipped elsewhere. Napolean planned on closing the port to American goods, which would financially devastate farmers. So, in 1803, President Jefferson sent James Monroe to France to buy New Orleans for $7.5 million.
  • U.S Acquires The Louisiana Territory

    U.S Acquires The Louisiana Territory
    Before James Monroe arrived in France, the French slaves had revolted and won their independance. This meant that Napolean no longer needed the Louisiana Territory for raising crops. He also knew that within a short amount of time, Great Britain might take the land. So, Napolean offered the U.S. a deal: $15 million for the entire piece of land. It didn't take long for America to take advantage of this offer. On April 30, 1803, the treaty was signed.
  • Jefferson Tries Buying Florida From Spain

    Jefferson Tries Buying Florida From Spain
    The United States wanted to peacefully acquire Florida like they did with The Louisiana Purchase. In 1804, President Jefferson sent two Americans to Spain. These diplomats asked to buy Florida, but Spain said no. This caused a lot of U.S.citizens to want to take over Florida, even if it not by peace.
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    The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The main motive for traveling west was to find out what America had bought in the Louisiana Purchase. When the group left, they traveled up the Missouri River. In the Indian country, Sacagewea joined their group. In mid 1805, they reached the Rockies. After the long journey across the mountains, the Nez Perce Indians saved the explorers from death. By winter, the group had reached the Pacific. Their main legacy, mapping a route to the Pacific, helped them return home in September of 1805.
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    Mountain Men

    Mountain men, also called fur trappers, were men who sold fur for money. They would set their animal traps in the mountains during the fall and spring, then traded at trading posts. The mountains were dangerous, and hazards included thieves, bears, accidents, and diseases. The routes that the mountain men discovered while exploring the west are known as the Oregon and California Trails.
  • Jackson Illegally Enters Florida

    Jackson Illegally Enters Florida
    John Quincy AdamsThroughout the early 1800's, Seminole Indians raided Georgia farms. To put an end to this, James Monroe sent Andrew Jackson to Georgia. Jackson had been given orders to not invade Florida, but he disobeyed. He took an army of 1,700 troops and invaded Florida on March 15, 1818. While here, Jackson seized forts, replaced the West Floridian governor with Colonel William King, and arrested and executed two British citizens.
  • Spain Sells Florida

    Spain Sells Florida
    After John Quincy Adams advised President Monroe to tell Spain to "govern Florida properly, or get out," Spain decided to sell Florida to the United States. The U.S. gave them $5 million in the exchange. When Spain gave up Florida, they got Texas because of their longtime claim. This upsetted some Americans, because they'd rather have Texas than Florida.
  • Austin is Granted Land

    Austin is Granted Land
    Spain granted Moses Austin a piece of land in Texas to settle in. When he died, his son Stephen took it over. In order to have this land, Austin had to agree to only allow moral and hard working settlers into Texas. Over the next 6 years, there were about 300 families settled.
  • Trouble Arises in Texas

    Trouble Arises in Texas
    The drastic difference in population between the Texans and Tejanos was a tension builder. Illegal immigration was also a problem, so the government closed off further settlement. When Austin went to the dictator, Santa Anna, to negotiate, he was tossed in jail. This caused the Texans to rebel.
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    Californian Ranchos

    In the 1700s, Spanish missionaries brought people to California. But the Mexican government closed the missions in 1833. The land was given to soldiers and settlers. Called Californios, they were given ranchos, which had 50,000 acres each! Cattle ranching was a major industry, because of all of the goods they provided. Califorinos also had to face dishonest, unpaid soldiers who may try and steal their belongings. Cities like Los Angeles and San Diego is an example of the Californios' legacy.
  • Food

    Mexican food had many different spices that made it stand out. Some foods that Mexicans introduced to settlers were chocolate, beans, squash, and chili peppers. Americans liked Mexican food, because it was flavorful and nothing like they were used to. When American and Mexican food crossed, it was called Tex-Mex.
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    The Whitman's and Spalding's traveled west in 1836 to teach the Native Americans about the Bible. While there, they only could convert a few people to their religion. One tribe, the Cayuse, were more interested in the weapons than the religion. When the Measles spread with the settlers, many Indians died, so the Cayuse attacked the Whitman's, killing them both. The Spalding's and Whitman's main legacy was opening up the West for settlement.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    Santa Anna and his troops arrived in San Antonio to take down the Texans. At the Alamo, Texans defended against 6,000 of Santa Anna's troops. They fought hard for 12 days, but in the end, Santa Anna won. He then executed all survivors immediately. In another attack on the Texans, Santa Anna was captured. They agreed on his freedom for Texas' independance.
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    The Pioneer Women

    Pioneer women's motives for traveling west included: finding husbands, homesteads, and new oppertunities. While traveling, they faced many hardships. Diseases, drownings, and attacks were things everyone faced. Women in particular had the hard work of cooking meals, washing laundry, and doing most household chores. One legacy of the pioneer women was that they were able to vote well before women in the east were.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    In 1845, Texas was annexed into the United States. It was the 28th state. This was under the presidency of James K. Polk. Some political figures were very weary of annexing The Republic of Texas, because it could make Mexico very mad. Polk, however, didn't care.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    When American Soldiers were shot at on U.S. soil, America became enraged with Mexico. This, and the fact that Mexico and American couldn't agree on a border, caused the Mexican-American War. The battle in Northern Mexico in February of 1847 left both armies in bad shape, but Santa Anna retreated. In September, the U.S. and Mexico fought again. America captured Mexico City in this battle.
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    The Mormons

    The Mormons, led by Brigham Young, traveled west to Utah for several reasons. They simply wanted a new home, but they also wanted a place where they could freely practice their religion. While traveling West, their hardships included dry land and harsh, deadly conditions. Their original settlement was in Salt Lake City. The legacy that the Mormons left was farming techniques that apply to dry regions. They also helped people travel west by planting crops and making shelters along the way.
  • Oregon Becomes a State

    Oregon Becomes a State
    After many countries' claim on Oregon dropped out, it left Great Britain and the United States. Polk had wanted all of Oregon, but Great Britain wasn't willing to give him that. Because neither countries wanted war, they compromised. Great Britain got half, and America got half. Many Americans liked this, because there was no war involved.
  • United States Gains More Territory

    United States Gains More Territory
    In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. This made Mexico give up Texas and the Mexican Cession to America. In exchange, American gave Mexico $15 million, and promised to protect Mexican citizens living in the U.S. region. The final purchase in 1853 was the Gadsden Purchase. America wanted this area because it was flat - perfect for railroads. This was bought for $10 million.
  • The Mexican Cession

    The Mexican Cession
    In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. This gave the U.S. half of Mexico's territory in present day states California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. America payed $15 million in this treaty.
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    The Chinese

    The poor Chinese peasants were told that California was full of promise, so they went in search of gold. American miners tried to get rid of them, however. Taxing them, beating them, and burning their shacks were some hardships that they faced. The legacy that the Chinese left was bringing interest and diversity to the west. This was through tastes, scents, and arts.
  • Mining Skills

    Mining Skills
    The skills that American miners had didn't help them when they traveled west to mine. Mexicanos had a lot of knowledge about mining. They introduced the gold pan and the rifle box to the Americans. The Mexicanos and Americans began working together in mines, and they discovered silver and copper. America greatly benefited from copper, because it carried electricity and telephone calls.
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    The Forty-Niners

    After James Marshall found a lump of gold in a Californian River, word got out. People, called forty-niners, rushed to California in search of gold. The mining camps were very dangerous, since there were no police. Murders, accidents, hangings, whippings, and duels took place in these camps. Mining for gold was also very hard and dangerous for the workers. Their legacy, however, caused California to become the first far western state.
  • Cattle Ranching

    Cattle Ranching
    Cattle ranching was introduced to Americans by Mexicanos. The rancho was very big and produced mainly meat and hides, unlike the dairy farms in the east. Dairy farms were small and produced things like milk and cheese. The rodeo was a popular event in the West. Today, it is still very popular all around the country.
  • Laws

    Mexicans had an influence on American laws in the West. Mexicans shared their knowledge of mining, and their laws influenced American mining laws. When American water laws weren't working very well, the Mexican water laws seemed better, so they were adapted. Community property laws that allowed property acquired in a marriage to be shared by the two are still seen in states like Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and Idaho.
  • Sheep Raising

    Sheep Raising
    Sheep raising was very different in the East and West. In the East, only a few sheep would be raised, but in the West, they raised herds. As the system became more known, more and more Americans used it throughout the country. By crossing the merino and the churro, they made a better type of wool. This made the wool production spike from 5 million to 22 million pounds per year.