Caution diamond

Bri W's Unit 5, Chapters 15-17 History Timeline

  • Period: to

    Oregon Country

    Both Britain and America had claimed Oregon Counrtry, but by 1818, they agreed to occupy the reigion together.
  • Bank of the United States

    Bank of the United States
    Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to charter the Bank of the United States for 21 years.

    The founder of the shakers, Ann Lee, came to America from England. She preached that all people were equal and should share in all aspects of life.
  • Robert Y. Hayne

    Robert Y. Hayne
    Senator Robert Y. Hayne remined everyone that Jefferson was the first to raise the issue of states' rights in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798-1799.
  • Period: to


    Many people were heavy drinkers and children could buy alcohal just as easily as adults. Reformers were trying to stop the drinking. They urged people to sign pledges saying they wouldn't drink any alcohal. By 1843, 500,000 people had signed pledges.
  • No Rights!

    No Rights!
    Throughout the 1800s, women had few or no legal of political rights.
  • Washington Irving

    Washington Irving
    Washington Irving became popular with the publishing of his book: A History of New York . . . by Diedrich Knickerbocker.
  • Grito do Deloras

    Grito do Deloras
    On September 16, 1810, Mexico's first call for revolt was Hidalgo's speech: the Grito do Deloras.
  • The Choice

    The Choice
    Jackson offered the Cherokee a choice, to move west or settle on 640 acres of land each. Most chose the latter, and ended up with herds of cattle, cotton gins, spinning wheels, looms, and some even had African American slaves. Ten years later, in 1827, the Cherokee went further and adopted a constitution for a Cherokee Republic.
  • Thomas H. Gallaudet

    Thomas H. Gallaudet
    Thomas H. Gallaudet started the first American school for deaf children.
  • New Congress

    New Congress
    Senators and representatives gathered in Washington D.C. for a new session of Congress.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was passed. It states:
    1) The power in Congress should be evenly balanced between slave-free states, and states that allow slavery.
    2) Slavery was to be banned from the Louisiana territory north of 36 degrees and 30 feet to Missouri's southern border.
  • Hudson's Bay Company

    Hudson's Bay Company
    Hudson's Bay Company of Canada had the region in it's control.
  • Tejanos

    The population of Tejanos (a Mexican living in Texas) was about 4000.
  • Agustin de Iturbide

    Agustin de Iturbide
    Agustin de Hurbide took over. He has so much support from the Mexican people, Spain had to give in.
  • Independence and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

    Independence and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
    On June 30, 1821, Mexico was declared independent, with no shots fired in the process. Iturbide made himself the emperor, and the revolt was led by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. He then ruled off and on for the next 30 years.
  • Stephan Austin

    Stephan Austin
    Stephan Austin led the first group of Americans to the Austin grant.
  • Jedediah Smith

    Jedediah Smith
    In the fall of 1823, Jedediah Smith led a party of hunters to western Wyoming.
  • William Becknell

    William Becknell
    William Becknell became the first western trader to carry his goods in conestoga wagons.
  • Thomas Cole

    Thomas Cole
    Thomas Cole began painting landscapes in a simple, direct style.
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    Henry David Thoreau

    In the mid-1800s, one of the most original American thinkers was Henry David Thoreau. He believed in living simply and in harmony with nature.
  • Period: to

    New Style

    American artists began developing a unique style of painting landscapes.
  • Sojourner Truth

    Sojourner Truth
    New York abolished slavery, setting Sojourner Truth free.
  • Period: to

    Trouble Ahead

    Jedediah Smith and his party headed for California. Thought to be spies by the Mexicans, they were jailed, and then eventually released. They headed north along the coast towards Oregon. Many party members were killed by Umpqua Indians, and only a few reached Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River.

    The rematch between Jackson and Adams was quickly approaching. But when the time came to vote, Jackson won by a landslide.
  • Sworn In

    Sworn In
    On March 4, 1829, Jackson was to be sworn in as president and people came from all over to see it.
  • Slavery Ends in Mexico

    Slavery Ends in Mexico
    The Mexican government ended slavery in Mexico.
  • Indian Removal

    Indian Removal
    In 1830, the Indian Removal Act was passed.
  • Dinner

    The Jefferson Birthday Dinner of 1830.
  • Difficulty and Help

    Difficulty and Help
    In the 1830s, Senators Henry Clay and Daniel Webster argued that the government needed to hep people through difficult times, but the president disagreed.
  • Samuel G. Howe

    Samuel G. Howe
    Samuel G. Howe founded the Perkin's School for the Blind in Boston.
  • Period: to

    Governor Choice

    Laws were changed to allow voters to choose the governor in a direct election.
  • Population

    Texas' population was around 30,000.
  • Closing Texas

    Closing Texas
    Mexicans closed Texas to Anglo-American (English speaking Americans) settlers and banned the intro of more slaves.
  • Annoyed and Angry Anglo-Americans

    Annoyed and Angry Anglo-Americans
    Anglo-Americans objected to being forced to become Catholic. They were also unhappy because all offical documents were in Spanish. They hated laws that banned American immigration and placed tarrifs on American goods.
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was founded by Joseph Smith.
  • Alexis de Tocqueville

    Alexis de Tocqueville
    Alexis de Toequeville arrived in America in 1831. After returning to France, he wrote the book Democracy in America.
  • National Conventions

    National Conventions
    The major parties held national conventions to choose candidates.
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    William Lloyd Garrison's paper, The Liberator, was published.
  • John Marshall

    John Marshall
    Cheif Justice John Marshall declared that Georgia had no right to force the Cherokee to relocate and stood in favor of them.
  • Lower

    The tariff was lowered by Congress for the south.
  • Black Hawk

    Black Hawk
    A Sauk chief, Black Hawk, tried to lead his people back to thier homes. The United States Army and Illinois militia quickly crushed them. The Black Hawk War was the last Native American war in the Midwest.
  • Renew

    Congress vowed to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States.
  • Bank Veto

    Bank Veto
    President Jackson didn't trust the bank. He thought the bank was convincing Congress to pass laws that were friendly to it; so he vetoed the bill to charter it. The bank veto became a main issue in the election.
  • Sam Houston

    Sam Houston
    Sam Houston moved to Texas to practice law.
  • Compromise

    A compromise teriff was passed in1833 to avoid more (and more violent) conflict.
  • Media

    There were three times as many newspapers in America than in England. There were hundreds of magazines as well.
  • Methodist Missionaries

    Methodist Missionaries
    The fisrt white immigrants to cross the continent to Oregon were Methodist missionaries.
  • Give it up!

    Give it up!
    The Mexican congress ordered the missions to turn over half of their land to the Indians.
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became Mexico's dictator.
  • Period: to

    John Sutter

    John Sutter set out to America in 1834. After arriving, he atempted farming for a living. That failed. He then atempted trading. That failed as well. Eventually he moved to California.
  • Seminole

    The Seminole refused to leave thier lands, ¨If suddenly we tear our hearts from the homes around which they are twined, our heart strings will snap.¨
  • Run Out

    Run Out
    The bank's charter ran out in 1836.
  • Martin Van Buren

    Martin Van Buren
    Martin Van Buren was elected president.
  • Texas' President

    Texas' President
    In September of 1836, Texas proclaimed itself a self-governoring country, with Sam Houston as it's first president.
  • Annex to the Union

    Annex to the Union
    Texas asked Congress to be annexed (added as an extra part) to the Union.
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's Attack

    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's Attack
    On February 23, 1836, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his troops attacked San Antonio.
  • Osceola

    An American general called a truce to discuss peace with Osceola, a Seminole chief.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    The collapse of the nation's money caused the Panic of 1837. It was one of the first depressions in American history.
  • Shut Down

    Shut Down
    Because of the Panic of 1837, 90 percent of all the nation's factories shut down.
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Ralph Waldo Emerson urged American scholars to free themselves from their European roots and think on their own.
  • Winfield Scott

    Winfield Scott
    General Winfield Scott had the federal troops relocate the 15,000 remaining Cherokee.
  • Tsali

    In the fall of 1838, soldiers captured a Cherokee - Tsali - and his family. They poked them with bayonets to make them walk faster. Eventually, they escaped to the Smoky Mountains and killed a soldier in the process. General Scott didn't want to chase them, so he offered them a deal: if Tsali and his party came down, the rest of them could stay. Tsali agreed. They came down and were shot, but the rest of them were safe.
  • Membership

    The Shaker membership reached it's peak with about 6000 participants.
  • Antislavery

    Slavery opposers - antislavery societies - had more than 2000 groups streched across the North.
  • Leaders in London

    Leaders in London
    Leaders of the antislavery movement gathered in London. Some of them were Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
  • Period: to

    American Scholars

    American scholars were taking pride in their nation's culture.
  • Dorothea Dix

    Dorothea Dix
    Dorothea Dix asked states to improvethe care of the mentally ill. Her efforts led to the building of 32 new hospitals.
  • Oregon Emmigrants

    Oregon Emmigrants
    In 1843, there was a flood of emmigrants to Oregon.
  • Anti-Mormon

    Anti-mormon mobs began murdering mormon leaders.
  • Henry Clay

    Henry Clay
    Henry Clay, the Great Comprimiser, was running for president.
  • James K. Polk

    James K. Polk
    James K. Polk's victory - manifest destiny became government policy.
  • Emigrant's Guide

    Emigrant's Guide
    The Emigrant's Guide was what the travelers on the Oregon Trail used. It was a guide book explaining everything they would need to know to get to Oregon safely.
  • Joining the Union

    Joining the Union
    In December of 1845, Texas joined the Union.
  • Liquor Ban

    Liquor Ban
    Maine passed a law banning the sale of liquor. 12 other states soon followed, yet most of those laws were repealed.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    In May of 1846, Congress reacted to Mexico's new government by declaring war on them. This was the begining of the Mexican War.
  • New Government

    New Government
    Mexico got a new government in January of 1846. By then, Mexican territory claimed most of Texas.
  • Period: to

    America vs. Mexico

    Kearney's troops joined the Americans rebelling against Mexican rule. America's control of California went unchallenged.
  • General Taylor and Buena Vista

    General Taylor and Buena Vista
    General Taylor moved south from Texas, defeating Santa Anna's troops at Buena Vista.
  • Brigham Young

    Brigham Young
    A different kind of wagon trail set out on the Oregon trail. Led by Brigham Young, this was a party of mormons in search of a new home.
  • Mexico City

    Mexico City
    In September of 1847, Mexico City fell to Scott and his troops.
  • NY Meeting

    NY Meeting
    Lucretta Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were a few of the people who organized a meeting at Seneca Falls, New York, for antislavery purposes.
  • GOLD!!

    In January of 1848, James Marshall found gold in California's American River.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo
    The Mexican War ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    California's gold rush started.
  • Period: to

    People in California

    Between 1849 and 1852, 250,000 people arrived in California.
  • Population II

    Population II
    There was a Non-Indian population of 93,000.
  • A New State

    A New State
    California was ready for statehood. California became the 31st state on September 9, 1850.
  • Slavery Problem

    Slavery Problem
    By 1850, the issue of slavery began to tear America apart.
  • Moby Dick

    Moby Dick
    Herman Melville published Moby Dick.
  • Chinese

    By the end of 1851, one tenth of California's population was Chinese.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    Mexico sold America southern New Mexico and Arizona for $10 million. This was know as the Gadsden Purchase.
  • Walden

    Henry David Thoreau's book: Walden, was published.
  • A Woman's Rights

    A Woman's Rights
    New York was first to pass the law: married women have rights to their own property and wages.
  • Drop in Pop

    Drop in Pop
    By 1870, California's Indian population had gone from 150,000 to 30,000.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    When Susan B. Anthony tried to vote, she was arrested and fined.