American flag

Events Leading up to the Civil War

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    This was the idea that it was American's destiny to go from coast to coast, no matter the cost. The battle with Mexico and the Indian Removal act were both outcomes from this train of thought
  • Nationalism

    The strong belief that the interests of a particular nation are of primary importance. Peoplpe of the same history and culture should instatute an independent nation, free of foreign domination.
  • Period: to

    Era of Good Feelings

  • Era of good feelings

    Era of good feelings
    Name given to the overall good feeling of the nation from 1815-1825, a sense of national purpose and the desire of unity during the aftermath of the neopolian wars
  • McColloch v. Maryland

    McColloch v. Maryland
    Supreme court ruled that congress had inplied powers under the necessary and proper clause, that Maryland lacked the poer to tax the bank.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    A treaty between U.S. and Spain in 1819 that gave Florida to the U.S. and set the boundary for New Spain, and was a win win because Florida was a burden on Spain, and wanted to stop disputes on the boarder. Considered a triumph of American diplomacy.
  • Sectionalism

    loyalty to the interestsvat of ones own region or section of a country , rather than the country as a whole.
  • Period: to


  • Missouri comprimise

    Missouri comprimise
    United states federal statute devised by Henry Clay, regulating slavery in western territories by prohibiting ptactice in former louisiana territory North of 36*30', except in missouri.
  • Santa Fe trail

    Santa Fe trail
    A trail in the 19th century that travelled through cental North America, from Independence, Missouri to Santa fe, New Mexico
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    A U.S. foreign policy regarding domination of the Americas in 1823. Stated that any efforts by European nations to colonize or interfere with states in North and South Americas would be acts of aggresion, requiring U.S. imtervention
  • Jacksonian democracy

    Jacksonian democracy
    From 1824-1860 there was a political movement toward greater democracy for common man, which dominated previous political era, which inckuded white supremacy , slavery, and expanding the sufferage
  • Period: to

    Jacksonian democracy

  • bureau of Indian affairs

    bureau of Indian affairs
    An agency of the federal government which is responsible for the administeration and management of 55,700,000 acres of land for the native americans
  • spoils system

    spoils system
    the practice when a political party wins the election, they give jobs to those who support it
  • Tariff of abominations

    Tariff of abominations
    Made to protect Northern industries, the Tariffof abominations helped the industries, which were going out of business because of low-pired imported goods, taxed the imports. In the end it ended up hurting the south because britain had a hard time paying for things from the Southern states.
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    passed by Andrew Jackson, authorizing the negotiation with southern indian tribes for their removvsl to territory in the west in exchange for their homelands
  • Indian territory

    Indian territory
    Indian territory has been now reduced to what is now Oklahoma. the organic act of 1890 reduced the land of 5 civilized tribes and the tribes of Quapaw to a small lot of land
  • States rights doctrine

    States rights doctrine
    Vice president Calhoun drafted the SOuth Carolina exposition protest, the moved on the the doctrine. Since the states created the U.S., states should have greater power, and they should have the power to nullify laws
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The tariff of abomination, despite pleas from southern rep.s, failed to moderate the protective barriers. SOuth Carolina passed the ordinance of Nullification and threatened to secede the federal government if it attempted to collect taxes.
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    political party formed by Henry Clay that opposed andrew Jackson's views. Active during 19th Century and 4 presidents were from it.
  • Alamo

    In this battle, about 500 Mexicans were killed or injured while 182-257 Texans were killed. Mexico wanted texas, but the Texans defended their territory and they did not succeed
  • Trail of tears

    Trail of tears
    Part of Jackson's Indian removal act, cherokee i=nation was forced to give up their land eas of the mississippi river, and migrate ti present day Oklahoma, which caused many devastating effects
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    A group of pioneers who went to California, ut on their way got stuck in an avalanche in Sierra Nevada and had to resort to cannablism to stay alive.
  • Gold rush

    Gold rush
    A discovery of Gold in California that led to a mass migration of people moving there. This led to the population of california, but most settlers didnt find gold
  • Forty-niners

    These were people who came to California during the Gold Rush, which consisted of about 300,000 people.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    A peace treaty between America and Mexico, which founded that the Rio Grande River be a temporary boarder.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    In 1852-1906, a 2,200 mile trail spanning east to west made for a large wheeled wagon. An immigrant trail that coonected the Missouri river to Oregon, laid by fur trappers
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    Americas purchase of Southern Arizona and New Mexico. This is the last purchase of land by the U.S. in the Continental United States, and it was named this because James Gadsden was the American Embassador for Mexco