War of 1812 Timeline

  • Hull's Proclamation

    Hull's Proclamation
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    General Hull issued a proclamation trying to encourage Upper Canada to come and fight with the United States against Britain. This proclamation did no good, as Upper Canada eventually ended up fighting with the British.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Siege of Detroit

    Siege of Detroit
    Photo URL
    Sir Issac Brock, commander of Upper Canada, led the British to victory against the United States by creating an ally with the Native Americans under the control of Tecumseh; this forced William Hall to surrender.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    Battle of Queenston Heights
    Picture URL
    This battle was the second U.S. attempt to invade Canada, General Brock was in command for the British while the U.S. was under the command of Generals Rensselear and Smyth. Although General Brock was killed, this was a British victory.
  • Battle of Raisin River

    Battle of Raisin River
    Picture URL
    A group of Kentucky Troops were ordered to drive the British from Frenchtown. The Kentucky troops ended up surrending after being captured by the British and Native Americans.
  • Laura Secord

    Laura Secord
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    A canadian woman who was married to James Secord, who was KIA. She overheard a message that the U.S was going to attack the British at Beaver Dam and she set out to personally deliver the message to the British Forces
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Picture URL
    Oliver Hazard Perry's nine ships blocked the six British ships. He defeated the British in this, with his famous words "We have met the enemy and they are ours."
  • Battle of the Thames

    Battle of the Thames
    Picture URL
    British abandoned Detorit and headed into Canada with 600 indians under the command of Tecumseh. British General Proctor and his men fled the fight at the begining but Tecumseh and his men stayed and most died on the battlefield including himself. This was a U.S victory.
  • Battle of Chateauguay

    Battle of Chateauguay
    <ahref='http://canadahistory.com/sections/War/1812/chateauguay.htm' >Picture URL</a>
    A major force including the British, mlitia, and mohawk warriors defeat a U.S. attemtped invasion of Canada.
  • Battle of Chippewa

    Battle of Chippewa
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    Location: near Ft.Erie. American forces defeated the British Forces.
  • Battle at Lundy's Lane

    Battle at Lundy's Lane
    Picture URL
    Location: Canadian soil. Americans fought the British. There was no difinitve victory at this battle.
  • Battle of Lake Champlain

    Battle of Lake Champlain
    Picture URL
    Thomas Macdonough commanded the U.S. fleet of 4 ships and 10 rowing alleys against British Prevost's 4 ships and 12 rowing alleys. Macdonough forced head on and the British surrendered.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Picture URL
    Ended the war between the U.S. and Britain. This restored the relationship to the previous relationship before the war. Neither country lost territory.