War of 1812

  • President Madison makes a deal

    The deal is: If France and Great Britain agree to cease attacks on American ships, the US will stop trading with their enemy.
  • The War Starts

    The war started on July 17, 1812.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe Creek

    In the Battle of Tippecanoe Harrison lost nearly three times as many men as Tecumseh but some how the won, and the Native Americans were weakened.
  • US Naval Commander captured British fleet

    Oliver Hazard Perry, the US Naval Commander, attacked a British fleet on Lake Erie. The US defeated the British Naval force.
  • Battle of Thames River

    This is the battle when Tecumseh is killed. The Americans had taken over Lake Erie, the British and the Native Americans were cut off from leaving by the Americans. They also attacked York(present day Toronto) burning down buildings.
  • Napolean's Defeat in Europe

    The British defeated Napoleon in Europe which allowed British to commit more troops to the war in the US.
  • British Attack Washington DC

    British sailed into Chesapeake Bay, Washington DC on August 14. The British quickly overtook the US militia. British did not try to hold DC, instead the left the city and sailed north.
  • British Attack Baltimore

    The British sailed north to Baltimore instead of staying in DC. The people of Baltimore were ready for the attack, they fired from Fort McHenry at the British.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent literally did nothing to help anything, it didn't change any borders, nothing was mentioned about the impressment of sailors, neutral rights became a dead issue.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans was a gruesome battle. The British troops moved towards New Orleans in December 1814 where Andrew Jackson and his troops were waiting. The British advanced on January 8, 1815, but the British were no match for Jackson's troops. Hundreds of British soldiers were killed.