Unit 3 (600 CE - 1450 CE)

  • Period: 224 to May 8, 651

    Sasanid Empire

    Last pre-Islamic Persian Empire, recognized as main power in Western Asia and Roman Empire in Europe, succeeded by Byzantine Empire, lost control to invading Arab Caliphates, adoption of Islam.
  • Period: 250 to

    Maya Civilization

    Classic period, urbanism, recording of monumental inscriptions, intellectual and artistic development, agricultural city-states, steppe pyramids constructed, collapse- overpopulation, foreign invasion, peasant revolt, disruption of trade routes. Thrived architecturally and had a great amount of knowledge given the surroundings in general. They even had a written language.
  • Period: 306 to May 8, 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    Known as the Eastern Roman Empire with Constantinople as it's capitol. Had a autocratic government with Christianity as it's primary religion. One of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe, lost lots of territory to Seljuk Turks and during other wars, Komnenian restoration reestablished dominance, Fall of empire to the hands of the Ottomans.
  • Period: 330 to May 8, 1453


    Europe's largest and wealthiest city, founded by Constantine, restored unity of empire. Constantinople had large amounts of artistic and literary treasure. The Ottoman Sultans filled it with Islamic influence.
  • May 8, 610

    Foundation of Islam

    Foundation of Islam
    Revelations came to Prophet Muhammad from Allah through the archangel Gabriel.
  • May 8, 632

    Split Between Sunni and Shi'ite

    Split Between Sunni and Shi'ite
    This split occured because of an ongoing conflict over whom would lead the faithful after Prophet Muhammmad had passed away.
  • Period: May 8, 661 to May 8, 750

    Umayyad Caliphate

    Derived from Mecca yet the capital was Damascus, headed by Abu Sufyan. At it's height it covered more than five million square miles. It was eventually overthrown by Abbasids and forced to flee along North Africa to Spain. Strength in Syrian army.
  • Period: May 8, 711 to May 8, 1492

    Muslims conquer Spain

    Conquered area named Al-Andalus. Ruled by Arabs and moors, during Uthamn's caliphate, established colonies on coastland, entered trade with Europe. City of Cordoba became one of the leading cultural and economic centers in both the Mediterranean Basin and the Islamic world. Much cultural exchange between Jews, Christians and Muslims.
  • Period: May 8, 750 to May 8, 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    capital at Baghdad, Mamluks(turkish army) caused a decline, Third Islamic caliphate, built capitol in Baghdad after overthrowing the Ummayad from all but Al-Andalus. Allies with Persian and relied on their military power. Mongols ended rule in 1258, continued religious ruling from Egypt until 1519, caliphs forced to give power to emirs(local princes).
  • Period: May 8, 1000 to May 8, 1300

    Seljuk Turks

    Turco Persian, Sunni Muslim dynasty, adopted persain culture. Empire stretched from Anatolia to Persia, target of first crusades.
  • Period: May 8, 1095 to May 8, 1291


    Series of religiously sanctioned military campaigns, wanting to restore Christian control of Holy Land. The Crusades were originally launched in response to a call from the leaders of the Byzantine Empire for help to fight the expansion into Anatolia of Muslim Seljuk Turks who had cut off access to Jerusalem. Primarily against Muslims.
  • Period: May 8, 1138 to May 8, 1193


    Kurdish Muslim, became Sultan, led Muslims against Crusaders to regain Palestine, strict adherent of Sunni Islam, disciple of Qadiri Sufi order.
  • Period: May 8, 1162 to May 8, 1267

    Genghis Khan

    Came to power by uniting nomadic tribes of northeast Asia, created Mongol Empire, led mongol invasions controlling most of Eurasia, utilized aggressive military methods and obtained a fearful reputation. He promoted religious tolerance and adopted Uyghur script as official writing system.
  • Period: May 8, 1200 to

    Ghana->Mali->Songhai Kingdoms

    Ghana- main imports were brocades, cloth, salt, and copper, main export was gold, King of Ghana taxed traders to control trading, invaded by Almoravids. Mali- famous for weaving, mining, and architecture, larger then Ghana, civil war attacks from Songhai and arrival of Portuguese led to decline. Songhai- progressed in education, system of weights and measures, banking and credit improvements, internal conflicts lead to decline, riches of gold encouraged invasion, Morrocans capture timbuktu.
  • Period: May 8, 1206 to May 8, 1324

    Mongol Invasions

    Mongol Invasions went throgh Central Asia, Western Asia, and Eastern Europe, Persia, India, and Russia, Genghis Khan led most successful invasions of territories. Cities or towns that resisted we subject to destruction. These invasions were very deadly and ruthless.
  • Period: May 8, 1206 to May 8, 1527

    Dehli Sultanate

    Five short lived Turkic kingdoms: Mamluk, Khilji, Tughlaq, Sayyid, Lodi, replaced by Mughal Dynasty, period of indian cultural renaissance, language of Urdu born around this time. Primarily centered in the Indian Sub-continent and is impressive in the sense that it is one of the few civilizations that has been able to defeat or fend off repeated Mongol attacks.
  • May 8, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    English charter, challenges monarch's authority, created by fuedal barons to limit King's powers and protect their privileges. This document was also used as a model for American political documents.
  • Period: May 8, 1250 to May 8, 1517


    A soldier of slave origin, primarily in Muslim regions. Some held politicial and military power. Known for beating back the Mongols and driving out the crusaders ending the crusade era. They eventually won political control over many muslim states, ruled Egypt and Syria under empire.
  • Period: May 8, 1312 to May 8, 1337

    Mansa Musa

    Muslim ruler of Malian Empire. Grand pilgrimage to Mecca involved him handing out large amounts of gold to all peoples, Muslim, enclosed large part of Western Sudan with a single system of law and order.
  • Period: May 8, 1336 to May 8, 1405


    Grandson of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire. He was a conqueror of Asia, founder of Timurid dynasty, sought to restore Mongol Empire, conducted wars that affected Muslim states, heaviest blow against Golden Horde. Conducted a ferocious army.
  • Period: May 8, 1337 to May 8, 1453

    Hundred Years War

    Conflicts waged between Kingdom of England and Kingdom of France and their various allies for control of the French throne. Victory was obtained by House of Valois and uxulsion of House of Plantagenets from France.
  • Period: May 8, 1368 to

    Ming Empire

    The Ming had a strong centralized government. Reinstated the civil service exam, recontruction of the Great Wall and the Great Canal. Most of the Great Wall was constructed by the Ming. Construction of the Forbidden City as the capitol. Influx of silver - first from Japan then from Spain via Phillipines. Zheng He conducted his voyages under Ming. China became increasingly self-focused and distrustful of outside forces. Ming try to destry Zheng He's ships. Fall of revolt and destable government.
  • Period: May 8, 1371 to May 8, 1435

    Zheng He

    Commanded voyages around Asia, Middle East, and Africa, spoke Arabic and Chinese, He was a diplomat, mariner and fleet admiral. His voyages utilized "junk" ships. Ming's unrest with the west had his voyage treasures and documents destroyed, and he was killed.
  • Period: May 8, 1400 to


    Cultural movement beginning in Florence and spreading throughout Europe, artistic movements, educational reforms. In politics, Renaissance contributed the development of the conventions of diplomacy.
  • Period: May 8, 1428 to May 8, 1521

    Aztec Civilization

    Ethnic group in central Mexixo that believed in Human sacrifices, polytheism, cloth designing, abundance in gold, agricultural ceremonies, maize cultivation, sunstone calendar. Tenochitan was the most important city.
  • Period: May 8, 1428 to May 8, 1533

    Inca Civilization

    Largest empire in Pre-Columbian America, Located in modern day Peru. Cuzco- administrative, political and military center, conquest and peaceful assimiliation, Quechua- official language, worship of several gods. Politically, monarch based.
  • May 8, 1439

    Gutenberg Press

    Gutenberg Press
    Concept of movable type printing, made publications available to the masses by making production cheaper. Sparked media sector.
  • Period: May 8, 1440 to May 8, 1505

    Ivan III

    Grand Prince of Moscow, tripled state territory, ended Rus dominance of Golden Horde, laid down foundations of Russian state.
  • Period: to May 8, 1349

    Kievan Russia

    Monarchy government, midieval Slavic state, present day Ukraine and Belarus, weakened by internal disputes, fell to the Mongols, Vladimir the Great- acceptance of Christianity and written legal code.
  • Period: to

    Establishment of Holy Roman Empire

    Empire based on elective monarchy. Territory centered in Germany. Carolingian imperial crown disputes, death of Charles the Fat led to decline and was never restored, power weakened in favor of Princes, loose union of territories later on.
  • Period: to

    Sui Empire

    Imperial dynasty unifying China in the 6th century, reunification of North and South China, construction of Grand Canal, Equal Field System(reduced rich-poor gap), 3 departments and 6 ministries system instituted, standardized coinage, improved defense by expansion of Great Wall, Buddhism united peoples
  • Period: to

    Tang Empire

    Period of progress and stability after Sui decline, 5 dynasties and ten kingdoms period, founded by Li family, civil service system with standardized tests, greatest age for chinese poetry, woodblock printing, government withdrawal from economic matters. Lots of economic growth esoecially along the silk road. Buddhism is prominent then surpressed.
  • Period: to


    King of the Franks, Emperor of Romans, conquered Italy, Carolingian Renaissance- revival of art, religion, and culture through Catholic Church, defined Western Europe and Middle ages through conquests and reforms.
  • Period: to May 8, 1279

    Song Empire

    First government to issue banknotes/currency, permanent navy, use of gunpowder and compass, movable type printing, rise of Neo-Confucianism, aristrocratic to bureaucratic. Increased economic independence for merchants, therefore decreased wealth for the government. Displayed intrest in joint stock companies. Had diplomatic relationships all the way in Egypt. Trend of urban migration took place- move to the city. Relative religious freedom. Conquered by Kublai Khan and Mongols.