Unit 3 1450CE - 1750 CE - Mueggenborg

By CatB
  • Mar 4, 1394

    Henry the Navigator

    He was responsible for the early development of European exploration and maritime trade with other continents.
  • Oct 31, 1451

    Christopher Columbus

    was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator from the Republic of Genoa, in northwestern Italy,His voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. With his four voyages of exploration and several attempts at establishing a settlement on the island of Hispaniola, all funded by Isabella I of Castile, he initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the "New World"
  • Apr 22, 1460

    Vasco de Gama

    Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.
  • Apr 22, 1492

    Colombian Exchange

    The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Colombus's voyages.
  • Apr 22, 1500

    Creation of Colonies in the New World

    Early European possessions in North America included Spanish Florida, Spanish New Mexico, the English colonies of Virginia and New England, the French colonies of Acadia and Canada, the Swedish colony of New Sweden, and the Dutch New Netherland. he first explorations and conquests were made by the Spanish and the Portuguese, immediately following their own final reconquest of Iberian lands in 1492. In the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, ratified by the Pope, these two kingdoms divided.
  • Apr 11, 1501

    Safavid Enpire

    The Safavid Empire was a theocracy, The state religion was Shi'a Islam. In 1555 the Ottomans and the Safavid Empire declared peace.In 1726 an Afghan group destroyed the ruling dynasty. After the conquest a division of powers was agreed between the new Afghan Shahs and the Shi'a ulama.
  • Apr 8, 1505

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan joined the expedition of Francisco d'Almeida to India. 1519 March 22: Magellan convinces King Charles I of Spain to support his voyage to the Spice Islands and the King promises Magellan one-fifth of the profits from the voyage to the Spice Islands. 1521 3 February: Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Equator
    1521 March 6: Magellan reached the Pacific island of Guam
  • Apr 8, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    It was led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants. The efforts of the self-described "reformers", who objected to the doctrines, rituals and ecclesiastical structure of the Catholic Church, led to the creation of new national Protestant churches. The Catholics responded with a Counter-Reformation, led by the Jesuit order, which reclaimed large parts of Europe, such as Poland. In general, northern Europe, turned Protestant, and southern Europe remained Catholic
  • Apr 8, 1521

    Herman Cortes

    Hernán Cortés overthrew the Aztec Empire of Mexico in 1521. He thus captured the great wealth of the Aztec for Spain, and Mexico remained under Spanish rule for three centuries.
  • Apr 8, 1524

    Francisco Pizzaro

    Pizarro's first expedition, however, turned out to be a failure as his conquistadors, sailing down the Pacific coast, reached no farther than Colombia before succumbing to such hardships as bad weather, lack of food, and skirmishes with hostile natives, one of which caused Almagro to lose an eye by arrow-shot.
  • Apr 11, 1526


    Babur founded the Mughal Empire.
  • Apr 11, 1526

    Mughal Empire

    The "classic period" of the Empire started in 1556 with the accession of Akbar the Great. It ended with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707 by the rising Hindu Maratha Empire, although the dynasty continued for another 150 years. During the classic period, the Empire was marked by a highly centralized administration connecting the different regions. Mughal Empire declined rapidly, weakened by wars of succession, agrarian crises fueling local revolts, the growth of religious tolerance.
  • Apr 8, 1550

    Scientific Revolution

    intellectual movement in Europe initially associated with planetary motion and other aspects of physics, by the 17th century and laid the groundwork for modern science.
    Scientific method, genetics, physics, Anatomy...
  • Feb 15, 1564


    Scientist/ Astounoumer
    he improved the magnification on the telescope up to 30x. His telescopes were very profitable. He came up with the conclusion that Jupiter's moon orbited Jupiter. He discovered 3 of Jupiters satellites (moons).
  • Matteo Ricci

    He helped translate many Western works on mathematics and the sciences into Chinese. His maps were eagerly perused by the Chinese, who gained from him their first notion of modern Europe. In return, Ricci sent back to Europe the first modern detailed report on China. He composed a number of treatises, the principal being a catechism, True Doctrine of God, which was widely printed in China.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate

    1600-1868 During the Tokugawa period important economic and social changes occurred: improved farming methods and the growing of cash crops stimulated agricultural productivity; Osaka and Edo became centers of expanded interregional trade; urban life became more sophisticated; and literacy spread to almost half of the male population. Failure to deal with the crises caused by threats from the West and by domestic discontent, the last Tokugawa shogun resigned in 1867
  • Thirty Years War

    The Thirty Years War was initailly religious conflicts between the Catholics and Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire. Major impact was the destruction of major regions. Fought between 16 countried from that time.
  • Triangle Trade

    1. The outward passage from Europe to Africa carrying manufactured goods.
    2. The middle passage from Africa to the Americas or the Caribbean carrying African captives and other 'commodities’.
    3. The homeward passage carrying sugar, tobacco, rum, rice, cotton and other goods back to Europe. The use of African slaves was growing colonial cash crops, which were exported to Europe. European goods, in turn, were used to purchase African slaves, which were then brought on the sea lane
  • Qing Dynasty

    Established in China by the Manchus who overthrew the Ming Empire in 1644. At various times the Qing also controlled Manchuria, Mongolia, Turkestan, and Tibet. The last Qing emperor was overthrown in 1911.
  • Peter the Great

    He was the Russian Tsar. He enthusiastically introduced Western languages and technologies to the Russian elite, moving the from Moscow to the city of St. Petersburg.
  • Enlightment

    a philosophical movement in Europe that forstered the belief that one could reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior and that were just as scientific as the laws of physics
  • French Indian War

    War fought between Great Britain and France. The outcome was the the French ceded Frech Loisiana west of the Mississippi. Britian confimed dominant power of the eastern half of North America.
  • Catherine the Great

    During her reign, Catherine the Great expanded Russia's borders to the Black Sea and into central Europe. She promoted westernization and modernization though within the context of her autocratic control over Russia and increasing the control of landed gentry over serfs. Catherine the Great promoted education and the Enlightenment among the elite. She kept up a correspondence with many figures of the Enlightenment in Europe.
  • American Revolution

    Adopting the policy that the colonies should pay an increased proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the Empire, Britain imposed a series of direct taxes followed by other laws intended to demonstrate British authority, all of which proved extremely unpopular in America.
  • Napolean

    His legal reform, the Napoleonic Code, has been a major influence on many civil law jurisdictions worldwide, but he is best remembered for the wars he led against a series of coalitions, the so-called Napoleonic Wars, during which he established hegemony over much of Europe and sought to spread revolutionary ideals.
  • Louis XVI

    ruled as King of France and Navarre from 1774 until 1791, and then as King of the French from 1791 to 1792. Suspended and arrested as part of the insurrection of the 10th of August during the French Revolution, he was tried by the National Convention, found guilty of high treason, and executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793 as "Citoyen Louis Capet". He is the only king of France ever to be executed.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Initially charmed by her personality and beauty, the French people generally came to dislike her, accusing "the Austrian" of being profligate and promiscuous,and of harboring sympathies for France's enemies, particularly Austria, since Marie Antoinette was, after all, Austrian.
    At the height of the French Revolution, Louis XVI was deposed and the monarchy abolished on August 10, 1792; the royal family was subsequently imprisoned at the Temple Prison. Nine months after her husband's execu
  • Storming of the Bastille

    a group formed of craftsmen and salesmen decided to fight back and ran to the Invalides to steal some weapons. The mob stole 28,000 riffles there, however no powder was to be found. The crowd knew that a pile of powder was stocked in the Bastille, a prison that was a symbol of the King's absolute and arbitrary power. So they decided to attack it.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Guaranteed free expression of ideas, equality before the law,and representative government. Rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Haitian Revolution

    period of conflict in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, which culminated in the elimination of slavery there and the founding of the Haitian republic. Although hundreds of rebellions occurred in the New World during the centuries of slavery, only the St. Domingue Slave Revolt, which began in 1791, was successful in achieving permanent independence under a new nation. The Haitian Revolution is regarded as a defining moment in the history of Africans in the New World.
  • Congress of Vienna

    The congress took place to settle out issues arising from the French revolutionary, Napolenic wars, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Waterloo

    An Imperial French army under the command of Emperor Napoleon was defeated by combined armies of the Seventh Coalition, an Anglo-Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington combined with a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von Blücher. It was the culminating battle of the Waterloo Campaign and Napoleon's last. The defeat at Waterloo put an end to Napoleon's rule as Emperor of the French and marked the end of his Hundred Days' return from exile.