Unit 2 (600BC-600CE)

  • 202

    Han Dynasty

    (202 BCE – 220 CE) Overthrew the Qin empresses; played key role in ruling China; ruled for four centuries; Confucianism; built China back up after all the fighting of the Qin; advances in astronomy and math
  • 221

    Qin Dynasty

    (221-207 CE) Created the first Chinese empire; leader Shi Huangdi; standardized many Chinese social features; ruled ruthlessly; standardization!
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    Wars between Rome and Carthage

    (264–146 BCE) Also known as Punic Wars; Romans were interested in expansion; Carthage fought them for control of the Western Mediterranean
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    (273–232 BCE) Third ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India; he converted to Buddhism after becoming disgusted with all the bloodshed he had caused to make his empire; broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars; earliest surviving Indian writing
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    Gupta Empire

    (320–550 CE) A powerful Indian state based, like its Mauryan predecessor; controlled most of the Indian continent through military force and its prestige as a center of sophisticated culture
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    Mauryan Empire

    (324–184 BCE) The first state to unify most of the Indian subcontinent; founded by Chandragupta Maurya; became wealthy off taxes on agriculture, iron mining, and trade routes.
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    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    (356–323 BCE) King of Macedonia in Northern Greece between 334 – 323; he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus River Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, spread Greek culture across the middle east
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    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    (431-404 bce) Conflict between Athens and Spartan allies. Consequence of Athenian imperialism. Athens fought in the war of attrition due to naval. Spartans prevailed because athens erroers and Persian financial support. It left geece as a whole weak.
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    Delian League

    Delian League
    Alliance between Athens and its allied cities.
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    Siddhartha Gautama

    (563–483 BCE) Also known as Buddha, “The Enlightened One”; Buddha had been born into a princely lifestyle; he created the Four Noble Truths; founded Buddhism
  • May 21, 600


    (600–530 BCE) Founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, between 550 – 530; he conquered Media, Lydia, and Babylon; he respected Persians and subjected people, respected institutions and beliefs of subjected peoples
  • May 21, 753


    Monarchy (753 BCE) Monarchy founded by Romulus around 753 BCE, ruled by 7 kings; Romulus established The Senate under the monarchy; the senate had very little power; king held all the power; land was the ultimate symbol of wealth Republic (509 BCE) Punic wars happened during these times; first run by Triumvirates, then run by the senate; huge struggles for dominance Empire (133 BCE) 1st emperor Augustus; culture, economy, and territory expanded during this time; west part of
  • May 21, 1000


    (1000–500 BCE) Resource-poor, foreign raw material sources; Greeks were in contact with other people; Greek merchants brought home raw materials, arose in lands bordering the Aegean Sea; Greek farmers on the mainland depended solely on rainfall; lots of colorful temples; referred to as the Hellenistic Age
  • May 21, 1045

    Zhou Dynasty

    (1045–221 BCE) The people that took over the dominant position in North China from the Shang; created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify their rule; founded by Wen and his son Wu
  • Xerxes

    (519–465 BCE) 4th king od the Persian
    Empire reign for 486-465; birthed and buried in Persia; son to Darius the Great; invaded Greece