Unit 1 (foundation-600 BC)

  • May 21, 1200

    Ancient Mesoamerica

    Ancient Mesoamerica
    Olmec (1200–400 BCE) most influential early Mesoamerican civilization; the center was located near the tropical Atlantic coast; depended on rich plant diversity and fishing; cultural core: San Lorenzo Chavin (900–250 BCE) Mountainous core, arid coastal plain, dense interior jungles; complex social institutions and cultural values; had roads, bridges, temples, and palaces, large irrigation a
  • Ancient Yellow R. Valley Civilization

    Ancient Yellow R. Valley Civilization
    (1750–1045 BCE) Really isolated, some land trade with India; carefully regulated irrigation system; advanced technology; elaborate intellectual life by about 2000 BCE
  • Foundation of Carthage

    Foundation of Carthage
    (800 BCE) City located in present day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians; became a major commercial central and naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by Rome in the 3rd century BCE
  • Ancient Indus River Valley Civilization

    Ancient Indus River Valley Civilization
    (2600–1900 BCE) Major cities like Harappa; traded with Mesopotamia; had a district alphabet that is still undeciphered; included distinct art forms as well
  • Ancient Egyptian Civilization

    Ancient Egyptian Civilization
    (2700–1070 BCE) In Northern Africa, along the Nile River; traded with and influenced by Mesopotamia; stabilized and durable institutions; ruled by Pharaohs, mathematical achievement, impressive architecture; used lots of slave labor.
  • Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization

    Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization
    (3000-1150 BCE) A place settled between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, hot and dry, no agriculture until around 5000 BCE; earliest living people on record are the Sumerians, land of villages and cities; major income is subsistence farming.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    (8000–2000 BCE) Period of change from food gathering to food production and also known as the Neolithic revolution.