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UN Israel/Palestine Events

By werlenk
  • British Mandate

    A mandate for Ottoman territories ratified by the League of Nation that gave Britain and France partial control in trade and policy.
  • Partition of Palestine (Resolution 181)

    The United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) proposed a plan to separate Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international control. Although it was greatly opposed by Arabs, a Jewish State and Arab State was soon created. Up to now, this plan is still highly controversial.

    As part of resolution 302 created by the UN General Assembly, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency was created to aid Palestinian Refugees in the Arab-Israel war. Among other things, it is responsible for running education, health, and social service programs. The establishment of this organization has brought security to the innocent civilians who were displaced because of the conflict. Thus, this organization is certainly a big step to achieving peace.
  • UN Security Council Resolution 242

    To end conflict in the Middle East, a peace settlement was established that followed two principles: acknowledgment of peace to ensure security for each country, and removal of Israel's armed forces in all territories occupied during the conflict. Most importantly, however, this resolution was partially ambiguous to allow flexibility in negotiations. Because of this, many declarations in the resolutions were interpreted differently and caused more arguments than what it hoped to prevent.
  • Resolution 338

  • Resolution 338

    Resolution 338 called for a ceasefire so that negotiations could be made to establish a just and peaceful Middle East once and for all. However, multiple resolutions followed this one since hostilities continued. While it was a good attempt at prompting a ceasefire, it failed to persuade Syria who was later forced to accept the resolution after the Soviet pressured it.
  • Resolution 1701

    In an effort to create a permanent ceasefire due to increasing violence, resolution 1701 was established. It focused particularly on the conflict between Lebanon and Israel because of the Hezbollah attack. Unlike other previous resolutions, this one not only stated that peace must be made in the M.E, but "emphasized" the need to address the causes of the conflict. This is crucial for a resolution because it often leads to reasonable negotiations, which was lacking in past resolutions.