Titus louvre

Titus Flavius Vespasianus

By sbsgr6
  • Titus Flavius Vespasianus is Born in Rome

    Titus Flavius Vespasianus is Born in Rome
  • Titus Began a Millitary Career at Age 22

  • Titus' First Marrage at age 25

  • Titus' First Wife Dies

  • Flavian Dynasty Begins

  • Vespasian Began to Rule

    Vespasian Began to Rule
  • Titus takes Control of Jerusalem

  • Pompeii Destruction

    Pompeii Destruction
    Titus used nearly his whole private riches for the survivors' needs.
  • Vespasian Died in Rome (age 69)

  • Titus Becomes Emperor

  • 3 Day Fire Broke Out in Rome

    3 Day Fire Broke Out in Rome
    Destroyed the finest parts of the city.
  • Titus Completes the Coloseum for Rome

    Titus Completes the Coloseum for Rome
    The opening games lasted for 100 days, which had 2000 gladiators and 9000 wild animals killed.
  • Death of Titus (Age 41)

    Titus died unexpectedly from a fever, but thought to be poisoned by his brother Domition.
  • Domitian Begins to Rule

    Domitian Begins to Rule
  • The Romans were Defeated in the Dacian Wars

    The Romans were forced to have a humiliating peace.
  • Flavian Dynasty Ends

  • Domitian is Assassinated in Rome (Age 44)

    His wife hires an assiassin to kill him because he was planing her death.