Timelne of European Explores

  • Apr 11, 1000

    Leif the Lucky sailed west from Greenland

    He sighted 2 pieces of land, possibly Baffin island and Labrador
  • Apr 11, 1451

    Christopher Columbus is born

    Christopher was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He was known to be a great educated map makerand mariner
  • Apr 11, 1492

    Columbus went to the monarchs of Spain and convinced the them to finance his trip

    Columbus sailed from Spain with 3 ships: Santa Maria, The Nina and The Pinta
  • May 11, 1492

    Columbus meets Taino Tribe

    After nearly a month at sea Christopher sighted land which was the Bahamas. He then sailed southeast of Florida, he arrived at a place he named San Salvador and claimed it for the King and Queen. The land was already inhabitted by the Taino peoples.
  • Apr 13, 1497

    John Cabot sets sail on the 40-metre vessel "The Matthew

    Shortly after Columbus's voyage, Giovanni Caboto, from Venice, Italy, set out to find riches in the east. He could not get support from Italy, but King Henry VII gave him authority to claim land for Italy. After he set sail with his crew on the 40-metre vessel "The Matthew". From then on he was known as "John Cabot"
  • Apr 13, 1498

    One year later Cabot set sail again with five ships

    One year later Cabot set sail with f ive ships to look for the path to the far east
  • Dec 13, 1498

    Cabot returns to Italy and dies the following year in 1499

  • Apr 11, 1506

    Christopher Columbus died in Spain

    After Columbus's death he was credited the man who dicovered America, although there is no proof that shows Columbus reached North America
  • Apr 13, 1534

    Jacques Cartier starts his voyage

    In 1534 Catier was commissioned by King Francis of France to travel to North America to look for riches such as spices, diamonds and gold but mostly to find the passage to the far east
  • Jul 13, 1534

    Jacques Cartier sails with 2 ships

    Cartier sailed from St. Malo, France, in 1534 with 2 shipsand a crew of 61 men. He travelled through the Strait of Belle Isle, south along the western cost of Newfoundland and around the gulf of St. Lawrence
  • Sep 13, 1534

    Jacques Cartier erected a huge ten metre wooden cross with a shield

    Cartier claimed Gaspe with a huge ten metre wooden cross with a shield on it with 3 fleur-de-lys and a wooden board with the words, "Vive le Roi"
  • Apr 13, 1535

    Cartier returned to North America

    He brought back Cheif Donnacona's two sons and returned with 110 men. These men guided him inland up the St. Lawrence river as far as Stadacona
  • Apr 13, 1541

    Cartier returned to Canada

    He returned to Canada, he settled at what is now Quebec, but it was tough for him. His men were hard to control and got into trouble with the Iroquois and mistaked dross for gold, a useless substance
  • Dec 13, 1541

    Jacques goes back to France

    In the meantime, back in France, King Francis sent a noble man, Jean-Francois de La Rouqe de Roberval, to establish a french colony in territory Cartier had previously claimed. While waiting for Roberval to arrive, problems started to rise between the Iroqious and Cartier. Cartier decided to set sail to France. Roberval net up with Cartier in Newfoundland, and he ordered Cartier to stay in Canada. Instead Cartier stole away at night and went back to France and lived there until he died in 1557
  • De Chaste starts his expedition with Champlain as captian of the ship

    The king gave De Chaste a monoply over the fur trade in Canada. He made 1 expedition to Canada, when they arrived at St. Lawrence river they saw a big difference the Iroquois were gone instead the Algonquians, Montagnais, Malecite and Mi'kmaq. They travelled as far as the Lachine rapids and returned to France then De Chaste died shortly
  • De Monts was given a monoply over Canada's fur trade

    De Monte was challenged to start a settelment and bring 60 new settlers to Canada every year for ten years and Champlain became captian for De Monte's ship
  • De Monts tried to establish a settlement

    They tried to establish a settlment in Acadia on St. Croix but the winter was harsh and half their men died of scurvy. They thenmoved to Port Royal, where they established the first sucessful French settlment in Canada. They made friends with Mi'kmaq, they taught them how to survive in the area.
  • The 2 men established another settlment at Stadacona

    Stadacona was to be a permanent fur trading post. Stadacona was high on a high cliff overlooking the St. Lawrence river. the river narrowed at this location which made it easier to protect teh habitants if they were attacked.
  • Champlain wanted to find a path to China

    He believed that the St. Lawrence river would lead to the Pacific Ocean. With the guidance of the Algonquians and Huron allies, travelled inland up the Richelieu River. He didn't find the ocean but he found a river that he named "Lake Champlain".
  • Champlain made his way to the far west

    He went far west as the great lakes. He always carried his compass, astrolabe, paper and pen for mapping. On his trip he lost his astrolobe. Over 200 years later it was found by a farmer while plouhging his land.
  • Champlain returned back to New France

    He returned to New France and became governor. e brought his wife with other women who settled in the colony, he wrote many accounts of his explorations and the lives of the first nation peoples. He died in Quebec on Chirstmas day in 1635.
  • A viking called the Eric the Red was banned from Icland

    Guilty of murdering his neighbors
  • Period: to

    European Explorers