timeline project psy229 Jasmine Lowe

  • Beginnings (prenatal development and birth)

    My mother had prenatal care throught the pregnancy. I was a healthy single birth.I came into the world weighting 7lb 2oz.
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    The first two years (Psychosocial Development)

    Psychosocial development- Social smiling is something I learned very early if you knew my dad you would understand because his smile is contagious. I didn’t have separation anxiety I was a very friendly baby. I definitely had a close and loving relationship with my father because my parents are married and he has always been a key part of my life.
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    the first two years (Biosocial Development)

    Biosocial development- I don’t remember any of this but my mother says I was a very plump baby in the 90th percentile. I enjoyed co-sleeping for a short period of time before being moved to my sister’s room. I had all my immunization and unfortunately I was not breastfed, I was on formula.
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    the first two years (Cognitive Development)

    Cognitive development- I was a very curious baby I loved peek a boo and being sung songs. I played very well with my sisters and started babbling early.
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    Early Childhood (Biosocial Development)

    Biosocial development-I evened out in weight during these years. I had great impulse control for my age because I was raised by two parents that didn’t allow any out of control kids. I hit all the developmental motor skills early because I had sisters to help me and I wanted to be just like them. No abuse or injuries thank you Jesus.
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    Early Childhood (Cognitive Development)

    Cognitive Development- I guess you could say I was an odd ball because I liked math and science so I thought through every question. I can remember some of the questions being asked like the one with the two glasses of water but one glass was wider. I was enrolled in daycare/preschool at the age of 3.
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    Early Childhood (Psychosocial Development)

    Psychosocial Development-I was a very proud child I knew whenever I did anything good I could take it to my parents and they would smile and hug me. I don’t remember ever playing with an imaginary friends. But I did have a lot of playdates with my cousins growing up. I was punished growing up I got whooped if I misbehaved.
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    Middle Childhood (Biosocial Development)

    Biosocial Development-I have very selective attention I had to in order to be able to complete work or watch a show because there was a lot of loud mouth people in my family. I can’t remember if I took any IQ tests but I do remember being called gifted a lot. I’ve never been medicated or had any learning disabilities/disorders.
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    Middle Childhood (Cognitive Development)

    Cognitive Development-my memory as a child was good I could remember for weeks when my parents would promise me something. Back when I was in middle childhood I remember when they started the “No Child Left behind Act”.
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    Middle childhood (Pyschosocial Development)

    Psychosocial Development-Growing up I had to do a lot of chores every day. On the refrigerator my father hung a detailed chore chart stating what was to be done every day of the week and who was supposed to do it. I grew up in the church my father is the pastor so I practically lived in church. I would say I have a very functional family every need was meet by my parents. Growing up my family was considered middle class. I was never a bully or bullied lucky me.
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    Adolescence (Biosocial Development)

    Biosocial Development- I had my menarche when I was 9 years old and I developed all the feminine parts right after. I haven’t really grown much since then i'm 5’2” and I was probably this height in elementary. My weight could probably be the cause of my early menarche I don’t remember my exact weight but in the pictures I could tell I was much larger then my classmates. I wasn’t teased for being bigger, I can remember one of my friends was a little jealous because i got to wear a real bra.
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    Adolescence (Psychosocial Development)

    Cognitive Development- I was a very unique child so the personal fable would fit me because I wanted to be a doctor and I still do just have a lot of work to do first. I have only had one experience with cyberbullying I had a Facebook page and someone figured out my password and locked me out and started making post saying I was involved with people and all kinds of things I reported it and it took them months to take the page down.
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    Adolescence (Psychosocial Development)

    Psychosocial Development- I have an identity foreclosure I just did whatever my parents said. My political, vocational, religion and sexual identity matches my parents completely. My family is very close knit. Peers pressure doesn’t apply to me I love being different it makes me special in my opinion people called me boring and a square because I choose not to drink and smoke and I don’t go out much. I had my first love/boyfriend at age 12 and he remained my boyfriend until age 23.
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    Emerging Adulthood (Biosocial Development)

    Biosocial Development-I was physically fit at 18 since I played tennis in high school and I exercised regularly. But it didn’t last long because I started using birth control and it caused me to gain 60lbs in six months. I graduated from high school at 17 and started college and got a job. I had my daughter at 21 and had my son at 23. I will graduate May 2016 with my first college degree at 24.
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    Emerging Adulthood (Cognitive Devolopment)

    Cognitive Development- I think I matured earlier than your normal girl because I was using postformal thought in high school my choices were always practical. I did get stronger in my faith as well I think that could be because I have children and I want them to have what I had growing up. It was very challenging but I continued to push for my education after having my babies because I know I have to provide for them and I can’t do that without a degree.
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    Emerging Adulthood (Psychosocial Development)

    Psychosocial Development- My best friend is very important to me especially because I only have one (friend). My relationship was important but that fell apart a year ago but I have two beautiful babies that made it all worth it. My family is my rock I live with my parents my two sister and my nephew. We get everything done when someone goes to work or school we make sure all the children are taken care of at home we eat dinner together and go to church together.
  • Birth of my first born

    My daughter Anya was born via C-section while my wonderful parents where away on a cruise.
  • My second born arrived

    My very handsome son was born a couple weeks early.
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    Adulthood (Biosocial Development)

    Biosocial Development- I am not yet in this stage of life but I can say for sure that I will age gracefully on account of my mother and father who look amazing at the ages of 53 they have no wrinkles are working together to get/stay physically fit. I don’t smoke anything and I don’t plan on smoking. I am overweight but I am working every day to get it under control.
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    Adulthood (Cognitive Development)

    Cognitive Development- I pray that my fluid and crystallized intelligence both improve in the next 40 years. I would love to learn other languages and increase my vocabulary. I hope my stress levels don’t increase anymore because stress leads to a lot of problems including health issues, hair loss, and addictions and I don’t want those problems.
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    Adulthood (Pschosocial Development)

    Psychosocial Development-I am waiting on God to send me my husband to grow old with. I have my friend that has been a big part of my life since we were in the third grade. Divorce isn’t an option if we make the vow ‘til death do us part that what it has to be. I am looking forward to watching my babies grow up they are amazing little people and I know in the years to come they will blossom into amazing adults.
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    Late Adulthood (Biosocial Development)

    I am kind of excited for this part of my life by this time I hope to have a bunch of Grandkids and I would love to be able to help my children. I also want to take care of my parents for the remainder of their lives. Im not concerned about diseases because my parents don’t have any illnesses so genetically I think Im good. I hope by the time Im ninety something I will still be able to do regular exercise and move around on my own without the assistance of a cane, walker or wheelchair.
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    Late Adulthood (Cognitive Development)

    Cognitive Development- I would like continue learning throughout my life I think my brain is strong and able to do so. I pray that the lord will not give me any neurocognitive disorders. I hope the lord grants me wisdom that I can teach my children and everyone I encounter the ways of life.
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    Late Adulthood (Pschosocial Development)

    Psychosocial Development- Hopefully as I get older my children won’t feel as if Im a burden to them and want to send me away to live in a nursing home or assisted living quarters because I think that would kill me. I hope to still be able to care for myself and if needed have a nurse come in a couple times a week to check on me.
  • Epilogue

    There comes a time in everyone’s life that they must die and in the year 2113 ends my journey on earth. I lived a long good life. I enjoyed watching my children grow up seeing my grandchildren be born. I had a great job at a wonderful hospital where I meet lots of people and created long lasting relationships. I had the best husband a woman could ask for who grow old with me I cherished every moment of our lives together.