Timeline Project

By coverjs
  • Birth

  • Babbling

    Cognitive language development within the first two years
  • Stepping reflex

    Biosocial motor skills development within the first two years
  • "Easy" temperament

    Psychosocial development within the first two years
  • Nearly zero aggression

    The Play Years: Psychosocial Development
    During these years in my development, I would rarely ever resort to aggression in any form. I didn't hit other children and I never said things that would be hurtful or harmful to others.
  • Vocabulary increasing/reading

    The Play Years: Cognitive Development
    I would have my parents read to me and then I learned to read to myself and began reading books that were above the average reading level for my age.
  • Chicken tender eating habit

    The Play Years: Biosocial Development
    At this age, I would usually only eat chicken tenders at restaurants, I thought they were the best thing ever.
  • School happenings

    The School Years: Biosocial Development
    Two different things happened in these years that pertain to biosocial development.
    1. In first grade, my reading skills were increasing greatly, so much in fact that my teacher picked me out of everyone in the entire class to go and read to younger kids in the school.
    2. Apart from reading, I was actively involved the school's floor hockey program as well as city league soccer.
  • New friends

    The School Years: Psychosocial Development
    In this time period, I began to make new friends that weren't only "school only" friends. I started hanging out with people outside of school at my house and their's.
  • Memory expansion

    The School Years: Cognitive Development
    My memory was increasing and allowed me to recall phone numbers of family and friends on command.
  • Hormones and puberty

    Adolescence: Biosocial Development
    I began to see hair grow in places such as my face and armpits that wasn't there before. My voice began to change too, as well as other important bodily changes.
  • Egocentrism becomes apparent

    Adolescence: Cognitive Development
    My adolescent egocentrism kicks in. My friends and I all thought we could do whatever we wanted without getting caught/in trouble or hurt. The "imaginary audience" also came in to play, I always thought everyone was staring at me, but in a bad way.
  • Identity achievement in progress

    Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
    Erikson said their was four aspects of identity: religion, sex, politics, and vocation. I started cementing in my ideas about all of these, although I had already had some ideas for all of them. I learned that I wasn't a very religious person. I always knew I liked girls, and this is the time where I began to start having my first real relationships. Politics, I found that I leaned to the left on that spectrum.
  • Working out

    Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    As I grow into my adult body, I begin to get in shape. I like to work out at least twice a week, but if I get a chance I go to the gym as often as possible.
  • Morals, ethics, philosophy

    Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    I become heavily interested in ethics and philosophies. I took several classes in college and the subject matter, read books dealing with philosophy, and entertain deep conversations with my friends about life.
  • Girlfriend and moving away from parents

    Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
    I have dated my girlfriend for a few years and we decided to move in together. She is a few years older than me, but because I've always been a more serious and mature person for my age, things work out perfectly.
  • BEER

    Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    I turned 25 and continue drinking craft beer. I enjoy many different styles of brews coming from many small breweries littered across the country. Drinking for taste and not to just get drunk still appeals to me and I consider this a hobby, just like people do with fine wines.
  • Intelligence keeps increasing

    Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    As I got older, I continued to further my education, and became a teacher. My IQ continues to grow, which is evidence towards the Flynn effect, known as the trend toward increasing average IQ found in all developed nations during the 20th century.
  • Wedding

    Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
    After being with my girlfriend for nearly 7 years, we finally tied got married. We waited until we were completely settled financially, and both had jobs as teachers at schools relatively near each other.
  • Aging, physically

    Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    In my later years, life has began to take it's toll on me. My skin has become wrinkled and my once shiny brunette head of hair has turned to thin tufts of gray and white.
  • Brain slowdown

    Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    The speed of my brain processes have began to slow dramatically. I think slower and as a result all other cognitive processes are slow as well.
  • Aging in place

    Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
    After retirement and the realization that my life is in it's 11th hour, I decide to stay at home, known as aging in place. I still live in the same home in the same neighborhood, and I try to continue to do the things that I did when I was younger, though with my decreasing health, some of these activities are harder than others.
  • Rest in Peace

    Epilogue: Death and Dying
    After 76 years of living on Earth, I have finally come to my eternal rest. My remaining family and friends attend the funeral and it is a sad, but happy moment, with people reminiscing on our time spent together. My favorite music is played, and my favorite food (pizza) is eaten. A peaceful, happy, final chapter to my long book of life.