timeline of my life

  • 2006

    My childhood was one of the best things that I have been able to experience because I spent it traveling every weekend, I knew many things and most of all there was an incredible person in my life, my aunt's husband, he was always like my second father, the the year in which he died was very hard for me because he taught me many things for life
  • 2011 third grade

    I entered a school called Cardinal Pacelli, that year I lost the third year of primary school because the school had given me a half scholarship and between the middle of the year the school said that it was going to do some evaluations to be worth 1 and 2 period. But they never did them to me and at the end of the year they told me you lost the year even though your academic level of 3 and 4 period is high but the ones that were worth the most were 1 and 2.period,
  • 2012

    this year I went to a school called the slaves that is on 170 highway. I took the entrance exam, they looked at my notes they told me you are so that you enter the fourth grade of primary school you have a high level but my mother did not want to and she made me repeat third grade
  • 2013 learn to value

    That year I got chickenpox with smallpox in the middle of the year, in that year I realized many things because not being able to study in person or anything gave me very hard, I learned to value what the study was because when we do not have things is when but we value them, that taught me that I have to strive for what I want because I have the possibilities and everything, nowadays even though this patient I always do my things because I learned to value
  • 2014

    This year I became a more responsible person and dedicated to my study. In that school I learned a lot of English, that year was very important for me because I met incredible people who contributed many things to my life. That year I met Korean people and lived with 4 months ago it was a very nice experience because they taught me things from other cultures
  • continuity

    That year he taught me to value my family because it is the most important thing I have and to value everything I have.
    The advice and scolding of the parents are never bad at the time we can see them badly but in the future you realize that they tell you everything with love so that you do not make mistakes or not things as serious as we can do for emotions or bad decisions
  • a heavy year

    That year for me was a very heavy year because my father had appendicitis but the emergency room did not treat him quickly and he was not at all from giving him peritonitis.They operated on his appendix and they detected an infection, they told us that he had to stay in the emergency room to see what the infection was and if he had to operate, they actually had to operate again.That year was a bit complex because of the My father's health, economically and academically,I was getting regular
  • 2016

    That year after my father's operation they told him that he had to take some tests.
    Everything was super good that year everything went super good until my father did the tests and they told him that he had an aneurysm in the right kidney that he had to be very careful, we were very scared but the doctor told him to calm that that I had a solution and it was to operate it as soon as possible.finally my dad started doing all the papers for the operation.that year I changed schools
  • 2017

    Every day I went to see my father, one day they let me enter the ICU for me it was very strong to see my father with cables and all those things. Okay one day I was happy to see him and that day my father left and I I got super nervous I did not know what to do, I told a nurse and they revived him, he came back to hug him and said I love you dad, I went out that day and I cried like never to my mom I told him mommy God is very big allowed that my dad was still here with us
  • 2017

    That year my daddy was taken out of the ICU and he began his "normal" life, we had many financial problems due to my father's situation, in the middle of the year my uncle took me to Santa Marta, going to the beach helped me a lot because it made me forget about the things of my dad's operation
  • 2018

    This year I started the year with a lot of nerves because of my dad's operation. At the end I managed to complete all the authorizations for the operation. The day of the operation I was very, very worried, I went with my mom to the doctor to wait for them to tell us that now. He had gone out, I went to lunch with my mom, we bought some things, then we got to the hospital and my uncles arrived on behalf of dad, they told us that everything had gone super well but they sent him to the UCI
  • 2019

    That year I entered Montehelena is a very different education but I really liked it because it is the education that the teachers look for a way to explain to you and that you understand the truth to them I am very grateful and happy with the school, it is like my second home
    My sister arrived from Australia and that made me very happy because she is my complement to my mother
  • 2020

    Before the pandemic, I had already been dating a boy I had known for a long time, he and I were in a "relationship" ok,everything at the beginning of the quarantine was very nice but then at the end of June it was all over, he taught me many things I really appreciate you, you were a super important person in my life
  • 2020 pandemic

    This year it started in a strange way but as time went by it got better, the first months of the year were incredible, I met great people and I got away from many people who I thought were important to my life. Then came this from the pandemic, it was super nice because I realized that my best friend is my mom, I began to trust her with many more things, the only thing I did not like about the quarantine was that I could not see my family, friends and I could not go to school
  • 2020

    .After all that I made the decision to just focus completely on my study to become a more responsible person and dedicated to the school to give my all because I already have nothing left to graduate.
  • 2020

    At this moment I feel very good about myself and with everything I am doing what I like the most by exercising, taking care of my food, studying, looking at what I am going to study, what I am going to do later and dedicate myself to my family
    every day I realize that the best thing I have in my life is my mother is such an incredible and perfect woman
  • future

    My future self wants to be a very good student, wants to work, get her things on her own, take any opportunity that is good, fulfill my dreams and have my family happy, give her a lot more than what they gave me, speak several languages, get to know various parts of the world and have my own global company mind