
Timeline of Ancient Egypt

  • 400

    Persians invade

    Persians invade
    The Persians invaded Egypt.
  • Period: 400 to Jan 1, 776

    Timespan of Ancitent Egypt 776 - 400

    Months or days not given. Dates are B.C
  • 457

    Golden Age of Athens

    Golden Age of Athens
    Beginning of the Golden Age of Athens under Pericles.
  • 500

    Earth Teachings and Steel

    Earth Teachings and Steel
    Certain people in Greece were teaching that the earth is ball shaped, not a flat disk. The first steel was being made in India. Dates are B.C. Day or month not given.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Phonecian sailors

    Phonecian sailors
    Phonecian sailors were travelling by ship all around Africa. Day or month not given. Dates are B.C.
  • Jan 1, 663

    Thebes is sacked

    Thebes is sacked
    The great Egyptian king Thebes is sacked by the Assyrians. Dates are B.C. Month or day not given.
  • Jan 1, 776

    First Olympic Games

    First Olympic Games
    The first Olympic games were help in Olympia in greece in honor of the god Zeus. Date is B.C. Month or day not given.
  • Jerusalem is destroyed

    Jerusalem is destroyed
    Jerusalem was destroyed by King Nebuchanezzar of Babylonia. Dates are B.C. Day or month not given.
  • Buddha dies

    Buddha dies
    The Buddha, founder of Buddhism, died in India. Dates are B.C. Day or month not given.