timeline 110

  • 10,000 BCE

    neolithic revolution

    The Neolithic Revolution marked the transition in human history from small, nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers to larger, agricultural settlements and early civilization.
  • 4500 BCE

    Sumerian civilization

    Sumer was an ancient civilization known for their innovations in language, governance, architecture and more, Sumerians are considered the creators of civilization as modern humans understand it.
  • 3300 BCE

    harappa and the aryans

    The inhabitants of the Harappan cities were driven out by the invading Aryans.
  • 3150 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River, situated in the place that is now the country Egypt.
  • 2000 BCE

    hammurabi's babylon

    Hammurabi conquered southern Babylonia, transformed a small city-state into a large territorial state, and shifted the balance of power in Mesopotamia from the south to the north, where it remained for more than 1,000 years.
  • 1200 BCE

    bronze age collapse

    A societal/civilization collapse is caused from either natural disaster or conflict.
  • 1150 BCE

    ancient Israel

    Jewish monotheism has had both universalistic and particularistic features. Along universal lines, it has affirmed a God who created and rules the entire world and who at the end of history will redeem all Israel, all humankind, and indeed the whole world.
  • 1100 BCE

    the Phoenician Golden Age

    The purple dye manufactured and used in Tyre for the robes of Mesopotamian royalty gave Phoenicia the name by which we know it today and also accounts for the Phoenicians being known as 'purple people' by the Greeks.
  • 911 BCE

    The Neo-Assyrian Empire

    The Neo-Assyrians created the largest empire the world had seen at that time.
  • 814 BCE

    Ancient Carthage

    Before the rise of ancient Rome, Carthage was the most powerful city in the region because of its proximity to trade routes and its impressive harbor on the Mediterranean.
  • 800 BCE

    ancient greece

    The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.
  • 701 BCE

    The Assyrian Siege of Jerusalem

    in 701 BC, the Assyrian emperor Sennacherib besieged the city of Jerusalem.
  • 626 BCE

    Babylon Reborn

    The Neo-Babylonians are most famous for their architecture, notably at their capital city, Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar (604-561 B.C.E.)
  • 599 BCE

    spartan oligarchy

    an oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.
  • 563 BCE

    Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)

    Buddhists believe Gautama found enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree. He spent the rest of his life teaching others about how to achieve this spiritual state. Buddhism is mostly practiced in east Asia.
  • 550 BCE

    The Persian Empire

    The Persians were the first people to establish regular routes of communication between three continents—Africa, Asia and Europe.
  • 510 BCE

    The Roman Republic

    People known for their military, political, and social institutions, the ancient Romans conquered vast amounts of land in Europe and northern Africa, built roads and aqueducts, and spread Latin, their language, far and wide.
  • 508 BCE

    athenian democracy

    In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected. In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. Male citizens in Athens could vote on all the decisions that affected the city and serve on juries, whereas women, children, and slaves were not.
  • 498 BCE

    The Greco-Persian Wars

    A series of wars fought by Greek states and Persia over a period of almost half a century.
  • 480 BCE

    The Battle of Thermopylae

    While the Battle of Thermopylae was technically a defeat for the Greeks, it was also a victory in the long run because it marked the beginning of several important Greek victories against the Persians and boosted the morale of all the Greek city-states.
  • 431 BCE

    the Peloponnesian war

    Spartans and Athens were at war, the Athens were forced to surrender so Sparta won.
  • 400 BCE

    The Celts

    The start date is when the Celts had settled across Europe and the end date (461 CE) is when the Irish were converted to Christianity by St. Patrick. The Celts were the largest group in ancient Europe.
  • 336 BCE

    Conquests of Alexander the Great

    One of the world's greatest military generals, he created a vast empire that stretched from Macedonia to Egypt and from Greece to part of India.
  • 322 BCE

    The Mauryan Empire

    The Mauryan Empire was the largest ancient empire in India.
  • 305 BCE

    Ptolemaic Empire

    Ptolemy took the title of King. As Ptolemy I Soter ("Saviour"), he founded the Ptolemaic dynasty that was to rule Egypt for nearly 300 years and the capital, Alexandira, is known for the Library of Alexandria.
  • 264 BCE

    The First Punic War

    Rome and Carthage, Rome won.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    The main achievement of the Qin is the fact that it unified China, creating the first dynasty ruled by the first emperor Qin Shi Huang.
  • 218 BCE

    The Second Punic War

    Carthage and Rome were fighting again and Rome won again.
  • 202 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    known its long reign and its achievements, which included the development of the civil service and government structure.
  • 167 BCE

    the maccabean revolt

    The Maccabean revolt was led by the Maccabees against the Seleucid Empire.
  • 149 BCE

    The Third Punic War

    the two sides of war were Rome and Carthage, Rome won once again.
  • 134 BCE

    The Crisis of the Roman Republic

    The crisis of the Roman Republic was an extended period of political instability and social unrest.
  • 69 BCE


    While queen of Egypt (51–30 BCE), Cleopatra actively influenced Roman politics at a crucial period and was especially known for her relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
  • 63 BCE

    Agustus Caesar

    Caesar Augustus was one of ancient Rome's most successful leaders who led the transformation of Rome from a republic to an empire and the Pax Romana was a roughly 200-year-long timespan of Roman history which is identified as a period and golden age
  • 27 BCE

    The Roman Empire

    They developed the best army in the world at that time, and ruled by force.
  • 1 CE

    Traditional date for the birth of Christ

    BC stands for Before Common Era and AD stands for Anno Domini, the year of our lord.
  • 4

    Birth of Jesus Christ

    Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus
  • 30

    Crucifixion of Jesus

    Easter commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus
  • 130

    The Silk Road

    The Silk Road was and is a network of trade routes connecting the East and West; from the 2nd century BCE to the 18th century CE.
  • 284

    The Tetarchy

    The system instituted by Roman Emperor Diocletian in 293 to govern the ancient Roman Empire by dividing it between two senior emperors, the augusti, and their juniors and designated successors, the caesares.
  • 300

    mayan civilization

    The mayans were known for their logosyllabic script—the most sophisticated and highly developed writing system in pre-Columbian Americas
  • 312

    Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    Constantine converted to Christianity to conduct his political propaganda
  • 320

    The Gupta Empire

    developed advancements in science, engineering, and art
  • 330

    The Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire influenced many cultures, primarily due to its role in shaping Christian Orthodoxy.
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    it was the Huns invading from the east that caused the domino effect
  • 618

    Tang Dynasty

    The Tang Dynasty is considered a golden age of Chinese arts and culture.
  • 622

    The Spread of Islam

    Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries.
  • 622

    The Islamic Golden Age

    Many forms of art flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, including ceramics, metalwork, textiles, illuminated manuscripts, woodwork, and calligraphy.
  • 768

    The Carolingian Renaissance

    An increase of literature, writing, the arts, architecture, jurisprudence, liturgical reforms, and scriptural studies.
  • 793

    The Viking Age

    The economic model states that the Viking Age was the result of growing urbanism and trade throughout mainland Europe.
  • 801

    The Reconquista

    A period marked by Christian re-conquest of Christian territory that had been seized by the Muslim kingdoms.
  • 960

    Song Dynasty

    The Song dynasty is particularly noted for the great artistic achievements.
  • 1066

    The Norman Conquest

    they introduced the feudal system to England.
  • 1096

    The Crusades

    Military campaigns organised by Christian powers in order to retake Jerusalem and the Holy Land back from Muslim control.
  • 1235

    The Mali Empire

    Even though the kings, or Mansas, had converted to Islam, they did not force their subjects to convert. Many people practiced a version of Islam that combined Islamic beliefs with the local traditions.
  • 1325

    The Aztec Empire (triple alliance)

    The Aztecs were famous for their agriculture, draining swamps, and creating artificial islands in the lakes. They developed a form of hieroglyphic writing, a complex calendar system, and built famous pyramids and temples.
  • 1346

    The Black Death

    the Bubonic plague was caused by an infection from pests and affected 30-50% of the population.
  • 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    Known for its trade expansion to the outside world that established cultural ties with the West.
  • 1438

    The Inca Empire

    Famed for their unique art and architecture, they constructed finely-built and imposing buildings wherever they conquered, and their spectacular adaptation of natural landscapes with terracing, highways, and mountaintop settlements continues to impress modern visitors at such world famous sites as Machu Picchu.