Josh's World History Timeline

  • 600

    Chinese use woodblock printing

    The Chinese use what is called woodblock printing, which is a way to print pages by carving out a wood block and using that to create pages
  • Period: 1299 to

    The Reign of the Ottoman Empire

    The reign of the Ottoman empire lasted hundreds of years. The Ottoman empire spanned from modern day Turkey, to the Balkans in Europe, to north Africa, and to southeast Asia. the Ottoman empire is notable in part due to the fact that it invaded and caused the end of the Byzantine empire, also known as the eastern Roman empire. The Ottoman empire fell in 1922, after being defeated by the Allied powers in World War 2
  • Period: 1400 to

    Age of Exploration

    The Age of Exploration was a time period ranging from the late 1400s to the early 1600s. it was a period of time where European countries did lots of exploring, like exploring new routes to India, much of the far east, and the Americas.
  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenburg creates the printing press

    In the 1450's Gutenburg creates a commercially viable printing press, and the printing press starts its takeover of Europe
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    On may 29th, 1453, Constantinople is conquered by the Ottoman empire. this marks the death of the nation known as Byzantine, or also known as the eastern Roman Empire.
  • Period: 1487 to 1488

    The Voyage of Bartolomeu Dias

    the Voyage of Bartolomeu Dias was a voyage that left from Portugal that took place from 1487 to 1488. it is important because it reached the southern tip of Africa, proving that east Asia could be reached by sailing around Africa
  • 1492

    The Voyage of Christopher Columbus

    The Voyage of Christopher Columbus was a voyage that left Spain in 1492. it is significant because at the time, it proved that Asia could be reached by going around the world, but shortly after it was proof of a new, undiscovered world
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange (Horses)

    The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the new world and the old world. Horses were brought to the new world by Christopher Columbus in 1492, and the integration of horses into the lives of the Native Americans lead to a revolutionary change in hunting and mobilization
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange (diseases)

    The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the new world and the old world. The transfer of old world diseases, such as the black death and smallpox, lead to the death of about 90 percent of the native population
  • 1493

    Christofer Colombus's letter, concerning the islands recently discovered i the Indian sea

    in 149, Christopher Columbus sends a letter to the king of Spain, describing what Christopher Columbus found in the Bahamas
  • 1497

    The Voyage of Vasco de Gama

    The voyage of Vasco de Gama was a voyage that took off from Portugal, in 1497. it is significant because it is the first European voyage to successfully reach India via sea.
  • 1519

    Fall of Tenochtitlan

    The fall of Tenochtitlan marks the fall of a city in the Incan empire. Mexico City was built upon the rubble of Tenochtitlan. in the battle of Tenochtitlan, the Incan Emperor was killed.
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    King Charles I

    Son of King James. His rule was marked by political and religious conflict. He was eventually executed in 1649.
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    Draining of lake Texcoco

    Lake Texcoco was the lake that Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico City) was built upon. the project started under the spaniards due to the risk of floods that came from the lake.
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    Issac Newton

    Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. He is best known for his laws of motion and gravity.
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    The Rule of the Qing Dynasty

    The rule of the Qing dynasty lasted nearly 300 years. it was one of the many Chinese dynasties throughout history. it used military campaigns to expand its territory. it was known to take over an area called Xinjiang, where the natives of the land, the Uighurs, were integrated into Chinese society. Ever since the day that the Uighurs were integrated into Chinese society, they have suffered many abuses.
  • Le Code Noir

    Le Code Noir was a code that was formed by the French king, Louis XIV, in order to assert his control onto the Haitian population. The code established complete control by the king over the Haitian slaves, limiting their human rights entirely.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was a cultural revolution that took place in Europe from 1685 to 1815. The Enlightenment completely changed the way that Europeans viewed government, science, and facts. The Enlightenment lead to many new things, such as the American and French revolutions, The taming of electricity, and the parachute
  • The Glorious Revolution

    In 1688, after much tension between the catholic king, King James II, and protestant members of the public, King James fled to France, and the new king and queen transferred most of the power to parliament. This revolution, also referred to as the "Bloodless Revolution" due to its lack of violence, was one of the most important events leading to Britain’s transformation from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. The revolution founded much of the Enlightenment ideals at the time.
  • Russian invasion of sweden

    In 1721, the Russians invaded Sweden, taking lots of territory, and effectively ending the Swedish Empire
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    The Russian Empire

    The Russian empire was a large empire spanning all throughout Europe and Asia. The empire lasted from 1721 with the crowning of Peter the I as emperor, all the way to the abdication of Nicholas the II in 1917. Some things that the Russian Empire was known for was its extremely large swaths of land, its diversity in its people, and its cruel, autocratic monarchs.
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    l'Overture Tussaint

    l'Overture Tussaint was a Hatian revolutionary. He led the Hatian revolution with a force of 500,000 strong, and he is known for forming the first black republic in the world.
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    Jean-Jacques Dessalines

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines was a former slave and revolutionary in Haiti. He is best known for finishing the work of Tussaint l'Overture in defeating the plantation owners as well as the French army.
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    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was a revolution that happened between 1775. and 1783. The revolution was caused because the American colonists didn't feel that Great Britain was giving them the say that they wanted in government
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    The French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a Revolution by the people of France against the government of France. The French Revolution is famous for the use of the guillotine to execute enemies. The French revolution occurred due to the Enlightenment bringing about new ways of thinking about government. The French Revolution was one of the biggest outcomes of the Enlightenment
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    Hatian Revolution

    The Hatian Revolution was a revolution that took place between 1791 and 1804. The revolution was lead by l'Overture against the plantation owners, as well as the French army. The Hatian revolution is known for being the largest slave uprising in history.
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    The Rule of Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a french general, and later an emperor. Napoleon grew up on the island of Corisca, he rapidly rose his way through the ranks of the French military during the French Revolution. In 1799, he seized power via a coup de etat, and in 1804 crowned himself emperor. Napoleons first rule lasted from 1799 until 1814, where he was exiled. he then preceded to escape exile and regain control, which he swiftly lost and soon returned to exile
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    The Age of Imperialism

    The Age of Imperialism was a time period from 1800 to 1914. It marks the time when a handful of imperialist countries controlled most of the world.
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    Karl Marx

    Karl Marx was a German philosopher who is commonly known as the father of communism. He is important because he sets the stage for a new way of thinking, and a possible challenger to the ever growing capitalism.
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    French controlled Algeria

    French controlled Algeria stayed under French control for 132 years, beginning with the French invasion of Algiers in 1830, until the Algerian independance in 1962. Algeria was initially invaded by the French so that the unpopular king at the time could gain some prestige and improve his public image. Algeria was different from other French territories because it was treated as if part of France, having a voice in the French government.
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    King Leopold the 2nd

    King Leopold the 2nd was the king of Belgium from 1865 to 1909. He is most well known for starting the "scramble for Africa" as well as his extremely harsh treatment of the inhabitants of his own personal kingdom, which excessed a total of 8 million deaths due to his actions
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    The British Raj

    The British Raj was a period of British control in India from 1858 to 1947. the British Raj is important because it is an excellent example of western colonialism and exploitation.
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    Grigori Rasputin

    Rasputin was a self proclaimed holy man. He is known for his influence on the Czar Nicholas the 2nd and his wife
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    Alexander Kerensky

    Alexander Kerensky was the former minister of the provincial government in Russia. He stayed in power for less than a year, and was exiled from Russia after the events of 1917
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    The Congo Free State

    The Congo Free State was the personal kingdom of King Leopold the 2nd, which was unaffiliated with the Belgians and the Belgian government. As the need for rubber increased worldwide, the Congo Free State employed extremely harsh slave labor, which caused the deaths of anywhere between 8 to 10 million Congolese.
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    Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong was a communist revolutionary and was a president of the CCP. He is known for taking complete control over China, and fundamentally changing its society.
  • The end of cottage labor

    Cottage labor was the practice of skilled workers, often unemployed farmers, would work in cottages and then sell their products to a middleman, who would sell their products for a profit. Cottage labor ended when mechanization began, and factories became the prevalent workplace
  • Mechanization

    Mechanization was a transformation of industries in many ways. Mechanization led to new ways of transportation, as well as new factory equipment. Mechanization allowed for the modern day factories that we have today
  • The formation of the bolsheviks

    The bolsheviks were a political group in Russia who believed in strong action in order to install a communist system into Russia. The Bolsheviks gained power in November of 1917, and from there the Soviet Union was formed
  • Formation of the Mensheviks

    The Mensheviks were a political group in Russia. They were the opposing group to the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks were less radical than the Bolsheviks in their beliefs.
  • Forming of the IWW

    The IWW is a labor union that was formed in Chicago in1905. The IWW was successful in organizing protests and strikes in favor of worker rights
  • Period: to

    The Belgian Congo

    The Belgian Congo was an era of Belgian rein in the Congo. after King Leopold transferred power over the Congo to the Belgian Government, the harsh slave labor laws loosened slightly. The Belgian Congo gained its independence in 1960, which was then renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Period: to

    Neocolonialism in Honduras

    Neocolonialism in Honduras done by the US, and takes the form of exploiting cheap and unfair labor practices to produce fruits (mainly bananas) inexpensively and ship them to the US. Honduras, like many other neo-colonies, is dependent on the US for economic support, so they allow this to happen.
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    Senegalese soldiers in World War One

    The Senegalese soldiers in world war 1 played a very important role. The Senegalese soldiers were viewed as shock troopers, and were deployed on the front lines. France would "Recruit" the soldiers, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes by force, to join their fight againsts the central powers. there was an extremely high casualty rate for the senegalese troopers, since they were deployed very frequently.
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    Facist Italy and Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini, after returning from war, found his country in shambles. Mussolini publicly spoke out about the need for a new system of government, one controlled by a dictator. after taking control of the government, he banned all political opposition, took over much land, and used concentration camps as a means of control
  • Period: to

    Fascist Japan and Emperor Hirohito

    Like many nations during this time period, japan was aggressive in taking land. The 1919 treaty of Versailles did not recognize the territorial stakes of japan. many nationalistic and xenophobic ways of thinking developed during this time, which led to the assassination of the prime minister, and the new fascist government was born under Emperor Hirohito. The Japanese were very war and territory oriented, and they viewed westerners and filth
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    Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler

    Post WW1, in a chaotic and economically failing Germany, a charismatic mustache model art school dropout promised a better future for Germany. his name was Adolf Hitler, and he is infamous for his facist regime. Adolf told the vulnerable german public that the problems in their country were being caused by the Jewish people. when he came to power some time later, his regime banned all political opposition, encouraged extreme nationalism, and took over a large portion of the world
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    Kyrgyzstan soldiers in World War Two

    The Kyrgyzstan soldiers played an important role for the soviet union in ww2. Kyrgyzstan was seen as a very safe spot for an industrial base, so dozens of key factories were set up there, greatly helping the soviet union. in fact, some of those factories still make up the backbone of the Kyrgyzstan economy today. 365,000 Kyrgyz were mobilized to fight against Nazi Germany. By the time the war ended, 70,000 Kyrgyz soldiers and 50,000 civilians had died
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    Fascist Spain and Francisco Franco

    Fascism started to gain popularity in Spain between the first and second world war. Francisco Franco, a Spanish general, as well as his followers, attempted to gain control of the newly democratic Spanish government through a coup d'état, but failed. A civil war broke out, which lasted from 1936 to 1939. Francisco won the war, and made it so that his political party was the only political party. Francisco committed a slurry of war crimes, killing between 200000 and 400000 Spaniards.
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    The Cold War

    The Cold war was a battle for global domination between the USA and the USSR. Both parties tried to prove that their economic system worked better than the other countries. The Cold war ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the move to capitalism by many countries around the world
  • Forming of the DGB

    The DGB is a labor union that was formed in Germany in 1949. The DGB was successful in organizing protests and strikes in favor of worker rights.
  • Period: to

    the korean war

    The Korean War was a war between North Korea and South Korea. It is significant because it involved many large countries such as China and the USA, and was a representation of the battle between communism and capitalism
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    Neocolonialism in Tunisia

    Neocolonialism in Tunisia takes many forms, but mainly it is exploitative French companies that a major presence in Tunisia's economy, particularly in the areas of
    telecommunications and energy. France has also supported authoritarian leaders in Tunisia who are seen as sympathetic to French interests.
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    Neocolonialism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Like many other neo-colonies, neocolonialism takes the form of exploitation of natural resources, such as cobalt, copper, and tin, by a western country (Belgium). Belgium has also supported authoritarian leaders that are sympathetic to Belgian interests.
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    The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was a wall separating West Berlin and East Berlin. It is likely one of the best known examples of the battle between communism and capitalism
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile crisis was a period of extreme tension between the US and the USSR when the US discovered that the USSR has nuclear missiles inside Cuba. It is remembered as arguably the closest that the US and the USSR got to full out nuclear war.
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    The Afgan-Soviet war

    The Afghan-Soviet war was a decade long war between rebel groups in Afghanistan vs the Soviet Union and the Afghani government. It was a move by the Soviet Union to help maintain its influence over the Afghani government, but ultimately ended in a loss for the Soviets.
  • Period: to

    Rise of national income inequality

    Since 1990, income inequality inside of countries has increased. these inequalities are based off of sex, ethnicity, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, class, and religion.
  • Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union, or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, fell on December 26, 1991. It is a very important moment in history as it marks the fall of one of the most powerful nations to ever exist, and the rise of the most powerful nation in history
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    The rule of Basher al-Assad

    Basher al-Assad, son of Hafiz al-Assad, is the president of Syria. he gained power in 2000, after his father died. Basher is known as a dictator for his brutal use of violence to suppress protests. He is currently engaged in a civil war against rebel factions.
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    The Syrian Civil War

    The Syrian civil war started in 2011, due to mass pro democracy protests spreading throughout the middle east. The Syrian president, Basher al-Assad, used extreme violence on protestors, leading to a civil war. The Syrian civil war has lead to over 350,000 deaths, and continues to this day, leaving Syria a war torn country.