
By Thinaja
  • 4.2 - Non-gender typed behaviour

    I grew up with my brother in my entire life. At one moment, we played very aggressively. We always did that at all time in our home. My parents were fine with it. One day, I accidentally pushed my brother and he had a bad cut in his mouth. He had to go to hospital. It woke me up that I was not being a girl anymore. I thought I could be a boy because I was very aggressive. I realized that girls and boys can be being physically aggressive. Being girl can be very physically aggresive, not only boys
  • 4.1 - Gender-typed behaviour

    I am the oldest sibling of three. I am aware that I am a girl when I was little. My parents keeps promoting me to do things that girls usually do. My parents get me many dolls, make ups, dress, hair accessories, and many more. Many friends of mine are girls. I love having rapport talk with the circle of my girlfriends. We share gossips. I am not very aggressive. I am very angel girl. My parents always think highly of me because I am very sweet girl who makes my parents’ life easier.
  • 8.1- Rite Of Passage

    This chapter has applied to my experience with my family. My parents come from Sri Lanka. It has strong beliefs and values. One of Sri Lanka’s traditions is to celebrate any woman’s puberty when they experience menstruation. My family hosts a gathering with my extended families to celebrate my puberty when I get menstruation for the first time. My extended family will bring small gifts or cash to celebrate my “womanhood.” We all dress up in sarees and suits. It is very interesting experience.
  • Early Maturer

    I was the first person who got menstrual period, compare to other girls in my class. My gonadarche period started early. The growth spurt also hit me early. I was used to be taller than my female classmates. When I was about to enter high school, I started experiencing peer pressures. I assumed it was normal to experience some kind of peer pressure right before high school.
  • 7.1 – Transition to High School

    I never experienced top-dog phenomenon because my school did not have middle school. Santrock (2014) said that entering high school could be difficult and stressful. I completely agreed with what Santrock said. I was very nervous when I was about to enter high school as a freshman. I was very worried what people, especially seniors, would think of me. I felt that I had to make a great impression. I felt stressed based on my assumptions of what people would view me.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    My puberty started to develop when I was in grade 8. I started to sleep later in the morning. I finally rode in the city bus on my own. My independence has begun as well. I also finally get know about my friends when I get in high school. I bulit many friendships in high school. I started to be aggressive as well. I looked forward to see what high school had to offer me.
  • 3.2 - Self-Awareness

    When my freshman year of high school ended, I was very excited to spend my summer with my friends. I did not have a driver license. I had to use metro and city bus to meet up with my friends. I was scared at first. I went there and I got lost as well. I learned it and develop my self-awareness through mistakes I made. Now, I know where I go anywhere with confidence.
  • 3.3 - Self-Consciousness

    I always had my parents to do everything for me such as taking care of my phone bill, keep eyeing on my bank account, holding my IDs and many more. My parents wanted me to learn by giving their responsible to me. I was no idea what I was supposed to do. Thank god for my friends who were willing to help me out. I learned how to do everything by on my own. I was grateful for my friends to help me out. Right now, I am able to do everything on my own without any help.
  • 6.1- Parent Adolescent Conflict

    I got my first boyfriend in my high school. Of course, I thought he was the only one for me. I would fight everyone for my boyfriend. Through the year with my boyfriend, my parents’ expectations on my boyfriend completely changed after my parents found out my boyfriend’s true colors. It built up tension between my parents and I. I was a protective girlfriend back then.We had the same issue everyday. If it were not for my parents’ expectation, it would be different.
  • 3.1 - Personal Fable

    When I read about personal fable, I already thought something that applied to persona; fable and my experience. I was in a relationship of 3 years. I was in domestic violence. I was not happy at all. However, I looked very happy outside of my relationship. People assumed that my relationship was very healthy. Nobody understood how I felt about my relationshop. I was hurt. Nobody noticed that. We all were not aware about domestic violence. My friends assumed I was doing great based on my actions.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood”

    That was when I graduated high school. I learned so much about myself. I realized that I was very independent during my high school years. I also started to take responsibility when it came to my brother and sister since I was older enough to babysit them. My experience with sexuality developed as well. I had a blog during y high school which helped my abstract thinking as well. I started to look things with different perspective.
  • 7.2 – Transition to College

    I actually experienced top-dog phenomenon when I entered college. I was very nervous because I did not know a lot of people who will go the same college as me. Knew the fact that college has more number of students than high school scared me. I was very stressful when I was about go to college. However, I was looking forward to go on new journey such as meeting new friends, being independent, and explore different lifestyles. I was excited to explore more about myself in college years.
  • 2.2 Niche Picking

    The conecpt of phenotype did not bother me until my first year of college. My college friends kept confusing between me and my little sister. They kept saying we look alike. I honestly did not find anything similar between her and me. I started realizing that we had some same physical traits such as height, skin, body figure. Before graduating high school, niche-picking genotype-environment correlations hit me. I finally explored around the world. It helped me to seek out my interest.
  • 6.1 - Stimulation

    A lot of my friends give me good kind of stimulation. Before transferring to Gallaudet University, my confidence is very low. I am not confident with myself. I meet a lot of friends. They give me a lot of great energy by sharing interesting information. They keep making my life exciting. It is the key to the function of friendships. My friends teach me that I can do anything whatever I want to. They keep mentioning that they will not ever judeg me at all.
  • 7.3- Intrinsic Motivation

    My intrinsic motivation comes from my passion. If it were not for my passion, I would not have any intrinsic motivation at all. I am very self-determination and curiosity. I am majoring in psychology for a reason. Of course, I want to show my passion into this major. I actually study hard and do school work with my full effort to get good grades. It is because that I want to get a good GPA. It is all about my self-determination, passion and my personal choice (Stanrock, 2014).