Battle of lake erie

The War of 1812 Battles

  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    -Who: Americans vs the British
    -What: Americans won against the British and also won Lake Erie
    -Where: Lake Erie near Put- In- Bay, Ohio
    -When: September 10, 1813
    -Why: Whoever won that won that war, won Lake Erie to travel on to trade
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    -Who: American + Native American vs Creek Indians
    -What: The Americans + Native Americans won
    -When: March 27, 1814
    -Where: Dadeville, Alabama
    -Why: I think whoever won, gets the land
  • British Attack Washington D.C

    British Attack Washington D.C
    -Who: British and Americans
    -What: The British burned down the White House and other buildings
    -Where: Washington D.C
    -When: August 24, 1814
    -Why: Maybe the British wanted revenge
  • Attack on Fort McHenry

    Attack on Fort McHenry
    -Who: British and Americans
    -What: A bomb crashed
    -Where: Baltimore, Maryland
    -When: September 13, 1814
    -Why: Bomb landed
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    -Who: British and Americns
    -What: Americans won agaimst the British
    -Where: New Orleans
    -When: January 8, 1815
    -Why: Because the British were ship jacking us and taking U.S sailors to their army