Period: to
The War of 1812
President Madison Takes Office
*When Madison took office tensions were high with Britian
*Americans were angry with Britian for arming Native Americansin the Northwest
*Americans were also angry with Britian becausethe impressment of American soldiers
*To most Americans the country's honor was at steak
*Americans felt a new sense of American nationalism -
War Hawks Take Power
*To most americans the countrys honorwas at stake
*Ther felt a new sense of nationalism
*Henery Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South
*Opposition to war was strongest in New England -
Realations with Great Britian Worsen
*Britian told the U.S. that they would keep impressing sailor
*Britian wasn't willing to meet American demands to avoid war
*Americans thoght thet could win
*The American navy only had 16 warship*Britian set up a blockade -
America is Not Ready for War
*American was confident they would win
*Jefferson's spending cuts put America at a disadvantage
*It weakened the millitary
*The navy onlyhad 16 warships
*The army army had fewer than 7,000 men -
Britian Blockades Americam Ports
*American troops under General William Hull invaded Cannada from Detroit
*Fearing he didn't have enough troops he retreated
*British commander General Isaac Brock took advantage of Hulls confusion
*Hull's army was surrounded and forced to surrender
*Britian captured more than 2,000 American soldiers -
Invasion of Cannada
*American troops were led by General Willian Hull
*Hull was not sure of himself
*Hull retreated fearing he didn't have enough soldiers
*British commander General Isaac Brock took advantage of Hull's confusion
*Britisoldiersand Native American warriors quickly surrounded Hull's army and foced them to surrender, capturing more than 2,000 American troops -
USS Constitution Scores a Victory
*A major sea battle was fought at the begining of the war
*The USS Constitiution defeated British warship Guerriere
*American sailors nicknamed the ship "Old Ironsides"
*Britians artillery bounced off the ship's wooden hull
*To Americans it seemed as if the Constitution was made of iron -
Battle of Lake Erie
*Both sides were aware of the importance of control of the lake
*A key three hour battle took place at Put-In-Bay
*An American flagship was badly damaged
*American commander Oliver Hazard Perry switched to another ship
*The battle was won by the Americans -
Battle of Thames
*Both sides were aware of the importance of controll of Lake Erie
*The battle was three hours long
*An american flagship was badly damaged
*American commander Oliver Hazard Perry switched to another ship and fought until the battle was won
*Britian retreated back to Cannada -
Horeseshoe Bend
*Andrew Jackson took command
*He defeated the Creek Indians
*There was a treaty that ended the fighting
*Native Americans lost
*The Creeks had to give up millions of acres of land -
Washington D.C. Attacked and Burned
*Dolly Madison gathered up the Presidents important papers and fled the White House
*The British set fire to several government buildings
*Britians new stradigy was to attack the nations capitols
*The army couldn't defend Washington
*Americans were shocked -
Attack on Baltimore
*Britians first objective in Baltimore was Fort McHenery
*This fort defended the city's harbor
*British warships bombarded the fort
*Scott Key watched the battle
*Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner because of the fight -
Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
*It was written on the back of an old envelope
*Francis Scott Key wrote it
*Britians on Baltimore caused Key to write it
*Americans had beaten off the attack
*It became the National Anthem in 1931 -
Hartford Convention
*Britian was tired of war
*Peace talks began in Ghent, Belgium
*Both sides signed the treaty
*The treaty ended the war
*The treaty returned things to the way they were before war -
Battle of New Orleans
*American troops were led by General Andrew Jackson
*The treaty took several weeks to reach the Unted States
*This battle was the last battle before the treaty
*The Americans won
*The battle was fought after the treaty was signed