The War of 1812

By sparkee
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • President Madison Takes Office

    President Madison Takes Office
    In 1809 James Madison took office as the second republican president. Shortly after his election tensions increased between the U.S. and Britain. With his election two new Nationalists leaders came abroad, Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    Clay and Calhoun were War Hawks. They both had may supporters. In New England the inhabitants were against war with Britain.
  • Relations with Great Britain Worsen

    Relations with Great Britain Worsen
    In 1812 relationships between Britain and the U.S. worsen. Britain was still refusing to stop impressing American sailors. Britain was also supplying Native Americans with weapons to attack Americans.
  • Congress Declares War on Britain

    Congress Declares War on Britain
    On June 18, 1812 the tensions between the U.S. and Britain finaly burst. The U.S. declared war on Great Britain. Little to their knowledge the U.S. was ill prepared for this war.
  • America is not Ready for War

    America is not Ready for War
    Britain was still weakened by it's war with Europe. While the U.S. was confident at first they later realized they were not ready for war. During Thomas Jefferson's presidency he cut the U.S. army's size in half this gave America a grave disadvantage.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    In the first days of the war Britain began blockadading Americas eastern shipping routes. By the end of the war they head 135 warships blockading the routes. This allowed Britain to close all eastern American ports.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    In July General William Hull attempted to invade Canada. After second guessing himself he took his troops and retreated. British General Isaac Brock used this to his advantage by capturing the confused American soldiers.
  • USS Constitution Scores a Victory

    USS Constitution Scores a Victory
    On August 19,1812 the USS. Constitution defeated the British warship Guerriere. The Constitution earned a famous nickname "Old Ironsides". The British artillery would just ricochet off the Constitution's thick wood hull.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    On September 10, 1813 British and American troops fought for control of Lake Erie. After the American flag ship was almost destroyed, American commander Oliver Hazard Perry switched ships mid-battle. He then fought to victory and held Lake Erie.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Creek Indians who were sided with Britain were attacking the U.S.' southern settlements. Andrew Jackson rose to occasion and defended these settlements. The final battle that drove the Native Americans away was named the Battle of Horshoe Bend.
  • Washington, D.C. Attacked and Burned

    Washington, D.C. Attacked and Burned
    After the British defeated Napoleon they had enough forces to attack our nations capitol. On August 24, 1814 the British marched into D.C. and burnt the Wite House to the ground. The first lady saved her husbands important papers and a portrait of George Washington.
  • Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    After destroying the White House the British moved to it's next target the cities harbor defences, Fort McHenry. During the night a young man named Francis Scott Key watched as the harbor was bombarded with artillery. In the morning he saw the American flag still standing. He then wrote a little poem known as the Star Spangled Banner.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention was held by many New England delegates. They brought up the idea of seceeding because the British blockade was hurting their trade. When the Treaty of Ghent arrived the comitee quickly dispursed.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    In 1814 peace talks began in Belgium, Germany. On December 24, 1814, the U.S. and Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent. This ended the War of 1812.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The news of the end of the war took some time to reach America. During this time both forces were still fighting. On January 8, 1815 Andrew Jackson lead his troops to a surprising victory at New Orleans.