The War Of 1812

By tknopp
  • President Madison takes office

    President Madison takes office
    Americans were angry towards Britian for arming the Native Americans in the Northwest. Amerians also continued impressment of American sailors by the British.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    The War Hawks gained such power in congress that there words were listended to growing attention. It became an increase that these aggressive men were bent on War with Great Britian. Autumn of 1811 they went on invasion of the British North America.
  • Congress Declares War on Britian

    Congress Declares War on Britian
    The Americans believed that there was no peaceful way to resolve American diffrences. President Madison asked congress to declare a War on Great Britian and as of that the nation went to War to defend (free trade and sailors rights).
  • America is not Ready for War

    America is not Ready for War
    They did not have a stong Navy and the were tight on money. The New Englanders didnt want to have the War because they didnt want more land belonging to anyone else and they were afraid of losing power.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    The united states planned to take ove upper canada and lower canada in a attack. The invasion was to occurr at 4 locations. Across from Detroit, and the Nigara area,at Kingsting, in south of Montreal if they succeed they would isolate and then capture in Quebeck City thereby, cutting off any further British troop movement up the St,Lorence river and into the Great Lakes.
  • Britian Blockades American Ports

    Britian Blockades American Ports
    The British blockade could protect its own trade, injury the enemy and render its Navy useless. The royal Navy was handicapped by a lack of enough ships on station to mantain a successful blockade.
  • USS Constitution scores a victory

    USS Constitution scores a victory
    One of the first series of rapid victorys scored by the tiny US Navy over the vaunted royal Navy and the head openings months of the War.
  • Second Battle of Sacketts Harbor

    Second Battle of Sacketts Harbor
    A British force was transported across Lake Ontario and atempted to capture the town which was the base for the american navel squadron on the Lake. They were repulsed by the american regulars.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    British took contol of Lake Erie. An an attempt to regain navel superiority on the lake, the US Navy began construction of two twenty to gun bridge at presque isle,PA.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    after the american victory at Lake Erie, forces crosses the lake into Canada on Oct. 5th 1813. British forces commanded by general proctor were forced to withdraw.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    This was also known as the Tohopeka,Cholocco Litabixbee which was fought during the War of 1812 in Central Alabama.On March 27 1814 the U.S forces and indian allies under Andrew Jackson defeatd the red sticks.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    Battle of Fort Oswego
    May 6,1814 the British successfully attacked fort Oswego, stealing supplies before withdrawing the next day.
  • Washington, D.C. Attacked & Burned

    Washington, D.C. Attacked & Burned
    The british strategy was to attack the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. The british set fire to several government buildings, including the White House.
  • Attack on Baltimore & the Writing of the Star Stangled Banner

    Attack on Baltimore & the Writing of the Star Stangled Banner
    Francis Scott Key worte the star spangled banner during the bombardment of fort mchenry in Chesapeake Bay by the british royal navy. the star spangled banner was made the national anthem on March 3, 1931
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    Battle of Plattsburgh
    This battle was the turning point in the War of 1812. The United States navy had defeated the world's strongest naval power on Lake Champlain.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    A group of Federalists met in Hartford, Connecticut to discuss the on going war of 1812. Delegates suggested that the New England states withdraw from the United States.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Peace talks began in Ghent, Belgium. On Chritstmas Eve 1814, the two sides signed the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The news of the treaty took several weeks to reach the United States. During the time it took for the news to reach the United states the sides fought one last battle in New Orleans. Andrew Jackson and the United States Army defeated the british.