The War of 1812

  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • President Madison takes office

    President Madison takes office
    James Madison was elected president during a time of controvercy with Great Britain. This was because Great Britan had armed Native Americans. This troubled the American settlers because they knew that the natives would attack them.
  • War Hawks take power

    War Hawks take power
    Two strong nationalists named John Calhoun and Henry Clay became leaders in the house of representitives. They and their followers were called war hawks. They were called this because they wanted a war with Great Britain.
  • Relations withGreat Britain worsen

    Relations withGreat Britain worsen
    Before the war the USA's relationship with Great Britain worsened steadily in early 1812. During the spring the british said that they would continue impressing sailors. Meanwhile natives were attacking the western frontier with british weopons so congress declared war.
  • America is not Ready for War

    America is not Ready for War
    On acount of Jeffersons spending cuts america was not ready to buy the needed things for war such as an army wepons ect.. They were still determend to win. So they allied some other nations.
  • Congress Declare War on Britain

    Congress Declare War on Britain
    Congress declared war on Britain.The war came at a bad time Britain was still at war with Europe, however Britian was not willing to meet American demands to avoid war.The British were continuing to support the Native Americans to avoid American invasion in Canada.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    Britain reallized after commencing in war with the USA that the USA very much needed its ports. In realizing this they blocked most American portes with blockades. Theirfore the could not do much trading.
  • Invasion Of Canada

    Invasion Of Canada
    Congress declared war on Britain.The war came at a bad time Britain was still at war with Europe, however Britian was not willing to meet American demands to avoid war.The British were continuing to support the Native Americans to avoid American invasion in Canada.This was a big defeat for America.
  • USS Constitution scores a victory

    USS Constitution scores a victory
    In the begining of the war in august 1812 the USS Constitution had defeted the british warship Guerriere in a fierce battle. Sailors nicknamed the Constitution, Old Ironsides because British artilery would bounce of the woulden hull, like the sides were made of Iron.
  • Second Battle of Sacetts Harbor

    Second Battle of Sacetts Harbor
    The battle had started a British force was transported accross lake Ontario to capture the town, which was the pricipal dockyard and base for the American naval squardron,but they were stoped by American regulars and malitias.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    American forces were having better luck on Lake Erie, Both sides were aware of the impotance of controling it.A three hour battle took place, In the battle the American Flagship was badley damaged.The American comander Oliver Hazard Perry, switched ships and continued the fight until it was won. Perry anounced his victoriy with a message, We meet our enemy and they are ours.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    The battle of Thames also know as The battle of Morvaniantown, after the Battle of Lake Erie Americans under the General William Henry Harrison, pursued the British and Native American allies. They followed them into Canada, defeting them. During the battle the Shawnee cheif Tecumseh, was amoung those who were killed.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Native Americans also sufferd defeat in the summer of 1813, Creek warriors attacked several southern American settlements. Andrew Jackson took comand of the American Forces in georgia. In march 1814, Jackson defeater the Creeks at the Battle of horseshoe bend. The treaty that ended the fighting forced the Creeks to give up millions of acres of land.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    Battle of Fort Oswego
    In the early monthes of 1814, while Lake Ontario was frozen British and American Sqadrons were building frigates with contest in command of the lake during the campanging season. The British under commodore Sir James Lucas Yeo, were the first to complete the frigates on Aprill 14, but when the Americans under Commodroe Issac Chauncey, had completed their own, The American frigates were more powerful. Yeos squadron was outcassed.
  • Washington,D.C Attacked & Burned

    Washington,D.C Attacked & Burned
    The British plan was to hit the United States in the capital. the Presedents wife gathered up the Presedents important papers and fled, Shortley after several government buildings, including the White House, shocking Americans that they learned the army could not defend Washington D.C..
  • Attack of Baltimore & the Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Attack of Baltimore & the Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    The British now moving from Washinton D.C. to Baltimore. their objective was Fort McHenrey, which defended the harbor. british war ships bombarted the fort throuout the night. A young American Francis Scott Key, watched the battle and at the end he saw the American flag was still their over the fort flying. He rote a short poem which then became known as the Star Spangeld Banner.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    Battle of Plattsburgh
    The Battle of Plattesburgh also know as the Battle of Lake Champlian, ended the invasion of northern states during the war of 1812. a British army under liuetendent Sir George Prevost and a naval Sqadron under Captin George Downie, coverged on a lake side town Plattsburgh, wich was defended against American troops under brigadier General Alexander Macomb and ships commanded by master omandant Thomas Macdonough. Dawnies sqadrons was attacked and defeated after a hard fight wich he was killed.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    By 1814, Britian had got tired of war.Peace talks began in Ghent, Belgium.On Christmas eve 1814, the two sides signed the Treaty of Ghent, whitch ended war. The treaty returned things to the way they were before before the war.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    In December 1814, a group of federalist meet in Hartford Conneticut. Some delegates to Hartford Convention suggested that the New England states secede or withdraw, from the United States. While the delegates debated, news of the peace treaty arrived. with the war over the Hartford Convention was quikly over as well.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    In january of 1815, while the Treaty of Ghent was getting to the United States it gave American forces to fight one last battle and this took place in New Orleanes. An army of soldiers led by Gereral Andrew Jakson. It was a defeat for Britain, But a victory to the United States!