The Thirty Years War by Alexandar and Filip

  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    This peace legalized Catholicism and Lutheranism in Germany. Some of the conditions of the peace were that peace would be maintained between Catholic and Lutheran followers and the royalties of the Lutherans had the right of having the same securities as Catholics.
  • Period: Apr 17, 1573 to

    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    He revised the law code, built an effective army, and tightened control over his lands and the church. He formed the Catholic League. Married Ferdinand of Styria's daughter.The Battle of Nördlingen (Sept. 6, 1634) restored Maximilian’s control over Bavaria. His army was defeated in 1645 (Battle of Allerheim).
  • Period: Apr 12, 1577 to

    King Christian IV of Denmark

    SourceHe's the most famous ruler of Denmark. He helped Denmark with problems related to politics and culture, but also involved Denmark in the 30 YW, and in a war with Sweden
  • Period: to

    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    Founder of the Swedish Empire. He successfuly fought for his country in many battles, including the 30 Years War. He was known as one of the most succesful generals in his time. He made Sweden one of the most powerful countries.
  • Period: to

    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII

    He was a ruler of France since he was young. He led very succesful battles against Spain and the Huguenots, but had mental problems, and didnt manage to focus on the affairs of his country.
  • Period: to

    Philip IV of Spain

    Philip IV made Spain strengthened Spain. He and Olivares tried to bring back the power of Spain during the 30 years war. However, this did not work due to the differences in their personalities He is remembered as an art patron, too.
  • Period: to

    Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia

    Ferdinand of Styria was elected to be king of Bohemia in 1617 by the Bohemian diet. Since 1618 there was discontent in his kingdom. He made a deal with the Spanish Habsburgs who gave him money and an army for Alsace. After he was ellected as Holly Roman Emperor there was a rebellion in Bohemia which was crushed in 1620.
  • Period: to

    The Bohemian Period

    Thirty Years War: The Bohemian Period Ferdinand was deposed and the Bohemian Throne was offered to Frederick V. Revolt was also seen inTransylvania. Maximilian I helped stop the Bohemians with the help of the army of the Catholic League.
  • Defenestration of Prague

    The event was caused by Roman Catholic officials who closed some Protestant Capels. In response, the defenders held an assembly of Protestants at Prague where it was decided that 2 imperial regents are going to be thrown from the window. This event marked the beginning of th 30 Years War.
  • Battle of White Montain

    This battle is one of the first battles of the 30 Years War. In that battle 30000 Bohemians were defeated by the 27000 army of Ferdinand II and the German Catholic League. This battle marked the end of the Bohemian period.
  • Period: to

    The 30 years war: The Danish period

    SourceThe event that marked the beginning of this period was the defeat of the Bohemia. As a consequence the Protestant countries realized that they were endangered. Then the king of Denmark, Christian IV decided to help some countries with the fight with the Ferdinands. However, he was defeated and had to withdraw from the region. He also signed a treaty called The Trreaty of Lubeck. Then the Eddict of Restitution was created which meant that the items of the church had to be returned to Cath. church
  • Treaty of Lübeck

    This treaty marked the ending of the "Danish period". With that treaty Denmark joined separated from tne anti-Habsburg coalition. This was caused by the defeats that Denmark had suffered.
  • Period: to

    The Swedish Period

    <a href='' >Gustavus II joined the war. He feared that Ferdinand would become too powerful, and believed in the Protestant Cause. This was the first time a politic issue entered the war. Gustavius had the best army, and set sail from Sweden to alliviate Magdeburg, but arrived too late. In 1631, Sweden defeated Tilly (battle of Breitenfield). 1632 - Tilley was killed by swedes. Ferdinand-ally with Philip IV.
  • Battle of Lützen

    In that battle the Catholic commander Albrecht von Wallenstein had splitted his army into to, heading towards Leipzeig because of the bad winter weather. Then King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden attacked him. The Protestants won and ensured security for Saxony from the Catholic threat. However, this cost them their commander Gustavus Adolphus.
  • The Treaty of Prague

    SourceIts' aim was to stop the religion as a source of national conflict.It was aimed at changing three main things: ending of the Edict of Restitution and recovery of the Peace of Augsburg from 1555; prohibition of alliances between States of the empire; unifition of the different states to start Imperial Army for the Holy Roman Empire and finght.
  • Period: to

    The 30 Years War: The French Period

    This war was a feud between the French Bourbons and Austrian Hapsburg. In that war Cardinal Richelieu decided to stop the growth of the Hapsburg. The battles that were won by Cardinal Richelieu and his allies gave hope to the Protestants in Germany.
  • The Treaty of Westphali

    This was the treaty that ended the 30 YW, by giving power to Protestants. Overall, the protestantism became the main and only movement.
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    SourceThis treaty ended the war between France and Spain. Some territories were given back to Spain, and Louis IV married the Spanish infanta Maria Theresa in order to recover peace.