The Rise of Islam

  • 570

    Birth of the Prophet Muhammad

    Muhammad, the prophet, was born on 570 AD in Mecca, but soon became an orphan after the death of his parents. Fortunately he was born into a rich merchant clan, therefore he was trained to become a merchant. He knowledge and ablilty in trade was so great Khadijah, a rich widow, took notice of it. She proposed a marriage and they got married. The beginning of the prophet was simple and ordinary, nobody would know that he would later become the founder of Islam.
  • Period: 570 to Oct 7, 1258

    The Rise of Early Islam

  • Jan 1, 610

    The Revelation of Muhammad

    The Revelation of Muhammad
    Muhammad's Revelation
    While meditating inside a cave outside the holy city, Mecca, Muhammad was approached by Gabriel, God's messenger. After Gabriel left, he was left in shock until his wife convinced him that God had choosen him the prophet. His first encounter with the holy spirit marked the beginning of one of the biggest religion called Islam.
  • Oct 5, 622


    Hijra The time Muhammad fled to Medina from Mecca was called the Hijra. Muhammad had to fled Mecca because he was under the threat of assassin. If Muhammad was assassinated, the Islamic faith would have not survive until today. The Hijra marked the first year of the Islamic calendar.
  • Feb 5, 632

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    Abu Bakr Abu Bakr, one of Muhammad's friend, became the first caliph after Muhammad's death. He lost control of military commanders which causes the return of Arabian tribes. The cause for this was because he continued to work as a merchant. But he was able to defeat the commanders and made area under the control of Islam.
  • Oct 7, 632

    Ridda War

    During Abu Bakr time as the caliph, he had to fight against the tribes that were against him, which caused the Ridda War. It started from 632- 633 AD. The significance of this war is that it reunified Islam after the death of Muhammad.
  • Oct 7, 633


    The Quran is a holy book for the Muslims. The Quran inculde many of God's messages that was spoken through Muhammad. The Quran is an important textual evidence to help nowaday Muslims and people understand and pass on the knowledge of what Islam really is. The complied of texts to create the first Quran was during Abu Bakr regime because of his fear of the dissapearance of the Islamic teachings.
  • Oct 5, 651

    Fall of Sasanian Empire

    Fall of Sasanian Empire
    The last Sassanian Empire was assasinated in 651 and this marks the end of the empire. The army of the empire was poorly prepared to fight and was no match to the Muslim warriors. The fall of the empire help ensure the rising power and influence the Muslim had.
  • Oct 5, 656


    After the murder of Uthman, Ali became the next caliph. The importance of Ali was that during his time Islam splitted into two groups, Sunni and Shi'a. This is because the Umayyads rejected Ali's because he did not punish Uthman's murders. This is because the Umayyads supported Uthman. The Sunnis backed the Umayyads and the Shi'a supported Ali.
  • Oct 7, 657

    Battle of Siffin

    Battle of Siffin
    Battle of Siffin After death of Uthman, Ali was pronounced as the next caliphate. Those who supported Uthman opposed Ali because Ali refuses to acknowledge the case. Muawiyah was a governor in Syria who raised war against Ali. The war went on for three days until Muawiyah offered to settle and figure a resolution
  • Oct 5, 711

    Muhammad ibn Qasim

    Muhammad ibn Qasim Muhammad ibn Qasim, Arab general, who defeated the King of Sind in India and claimed the region in the Northeast Indus Valley as part of the Umayyad Empire. He was at the age of 17 when he led the campagin against the Sind. The Sind pirate attacks to the ship of Arab traders. Muhammad was able to bring Islam in India, which allows Islam to expand its power.
  • Oct 5, 750

    Battle of the River Zab

    Battle of the River Zab
    Battle of River Zab This was the battle between two Islamic empire, the Umayyad and the Abbasid. The Abbsaid won the battle and gain control of the Arabian region. To ensure their power the Abbasid killed all the memebers of the Umayyad family during a feast they hosted, but grandson of the former caliph escaped to Spain. The Battle of River Zab allowed the Abbasid to capture Syria and the capital.
  • Oct 7, 750

    Fall of the Umayyads

    Fall of the Umayyads
    [](Fall of the Umayyads) The Umayyad officially got demolished in 750 after the Battle of River Zab. The major reasons for the fall of the empire was because of the revolt that was led by the Abbasid and the unresovled internal problems. The internal problems were mainly caused by the corruptive Damascus elite, caliphs addiction to luxury lifestyle, and enourmous harem sizes.
  • Oct 7, 750

    Rose of the Abbasid Dynasty

    The Abbasid overthrew the Umayyad in 750 AD under the rule of Abu al-Abbas. They build a strong centralized Muslim Empire and moved the capital to Baghdad. The Abbasid Empire was full of intergration because they had a more accepting outlook towards mawali as equal. It is the time of great urban expansion that linked trades through the Afro-Eurasian trading route.
  • Nov 7, 1095

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    First CrusadeThe First Crusade mission was for the Christian to travel and gain control of the the Holy City named Jerusalem. During that time Jerusalem was under the contrl of Muslims and many Christians were disatisfied. Pope Urban II was the one who died to launch the first crusade. The importance of the First Crusade was that it was the first out of nine crusades. It sparks war between the Christian and Islamic faith.
  • Oct 5, 1173

    Muhammad of Ghur

    Muhammad of Ghur
    Muhammad of Ghur Muhammad of Ghur came to power in 1173 and was the commander of the military of Persian extraction. He went on a conquest to regain power over norther India. His conquest became very successful and was able to bring northwestern India under his and the Islamic faith control.
  • Oct 7, 1174


    Saladin During the Third Crusade, a strong Muslim military leader rose to power in the Arabian region. With strong military skills he was able to reconquered Jerusalem and many Holy Cities back from the Europeans. Even though he failed to win the war againsh King Richard I, he was able to get control of Jerusalem back to the Muslim. He was in reign from 1174 until 1193.
  • Oct 7, 1258

    Hulegu attacked Baghdad

    Hulegu attacked Baghdad
    Hulegu Hulegu was the grandson of Chinggis Khan who continued the expedition to attack the rich center of the Islamic civilization. In 1258, he successfully took over Baghdad and looted a lot of wealth. During his time, he vastly expanded the Mongol Empire in the Arabian region.
  • Khadijah: The wife of Muhammad

    Khadijah: The wife of Muhammad
    Khadijah Khadijah was a rich widow who married Muhammad. She was the woman who convinced Muhammad that he was the prophet. Without her Muhammad would never had the courage to preach in public and founded Islam.
    In 595 AD they got married
  • Mahmud of Ghazni

    Mahmud of Ghazni
    Mahmud of Ghanzi Mahmud of Ghanzi came to power in 998 AD and was the third ruler of the Turkish slave dynasty. He was able to led expeditions that would allow Muslim to reclaim and expand its region in India. His successful millitary expeditions gained himself termedous amount of wealth and allowed Islamic faith to remain in India
  • Abul al-Abbas

    Abul al-Abbas After leading the revolution against the Umayyads, Abul al-Abbas became the first caliph in the Abbasid Empire. His reign began in 749 until 754. He was the one who decided to wipe out all the Umayyads and moved the capital to Baghdad. Abbul also laid the foundation of a new dynasty for the Muslim people by establishing a legal system.
  • Muhammad's Return to Mecca

    Muhammad Returned Muhammad returned to Mecca in 629 after he gained more followers and signed treaty in 628 with the Quraysh. Through this he was to spread and promote Islamic faith to more people because he is back into Mecca, which is a holy city.