The Renaissance

By Olegman
  • 1347

    Bubonic Plague

    Bubonic Plague
    A Plague often reffered to as "The Black Death" breaks out. It spreads across Europe do to insects, rats, and other mammals. The Plague kills millions of people.
  • 1350


    After The Black Death people are scarce. Everyone starts to realize that their life is absolutely awful. They start to make changes in their daily life to make it better. Artists start painting pictures that display their fantasy and culture, people start earning money and building breathtaking architectically genius buildings. Culture thrives once again and people start thinking of life as something greater than it was before.
  • 1413

    Linear Perspective

    Linear Perspective
    Brunelleschi creates linear perspective and other artists start to adopt his discovery and improve it to fit their standards. It heavily impacts many artist and forever affects modern art.
  • 1439

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johan Gutenberg invents the printing press opening many possibilities for education, business, and religion. It opens possibilities for faster and more effective exchange of ideas and heavily impacts the Catholic Church.
  • 1491

    The jesuits

    The jesuits
    The jesuits are given the task to spread religion across the world. On their journey they are supposed to convert people to Catholicism.
  • 1492

    The New World

    The New World
    Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer discovers the Americas on his journey to Asia. He opens possibilities for exchange of ideas, animals, food, and other goods. His discovery also heavily impacts the population of the Native Americans.
  • 1493

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    The exchange between The New World and The Old World begins. Lots of foods, spices, crops, animals, and ideas are traded back and forth form America to The Old World.
  • 1494

    Vasco De Gama

    Vasco De Gama
    Vasco De Gama reaches India after sailing under South Africa. He improves trade between Europe and Asia and makes it easier by creating stops for Sailors on the way.
  • 1510

    95 theses

    95 theses
    Martin Luther, a very religious monk, disagrees with the Catholic Church because of their sinful actions. He writes down the 95 things he disagrees with and stabs it on the entrance of the Central Church
  • Apr 17, 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Diet of Worms
    The Diet of Worms was an imperial council that was made to decide the fate of Martin Luther. It was held in Worms, Germany.
  • 1526

    New Testament

    New Testament
    William Tyndale publishes the New Testament in English Language and people find out that all along the Catholic Church has lied about what it said in the Bible.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    A critical meeting to gather ideas on reviving moral authority of the Catholic Church after the fall of their affection and authority on people.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    A triangular shaped trade route in which ships would leave America with American goods to go to Europe, and then go to Africa with European goods. At the end the ships would return to America with African goods and restart the cycle.
  • Natural Rights

    Natural Rights
    John Locke came up with two rules for the government of America. The first rule was that the government had to take care of their citizens and the second was that they could punish any man that broke the law.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    I In 1776 delegates from the 13 original colonies met. They decided on writing the Declaration of Independence. The declaration followed the enlightenment idea that all people are born with certain rights.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French had to pay high amounts of taxes and had very little rights. Also, a big factor that played was that the government was about to be completely bankrupt. The citizens began revolting against the powerless government.