
The Middle Ages

  • 476

    Fall of Western Roman Empire.

    Fall of Western Roman Empire.
    Fall or rome end of the western roman empire and mass migrating.
  • Period: 476 to 1001

    The Early Middle Ages.

    -Germanic Kingdoms and high point of the Byzantine Empire.
    -Birth and spread of Islam.
    -Carolingian Empire.
  • 507

    The King of the Franks.

    The King of the Franks.
    The king of the franks, clovis defeated the Visigoths at Vouille.
  • Period: 632 to 661

    Orthodox Caliphs

    The first caliphs were members of muhammad´ family.
    -They controled the Arabian Peninsula.
    -Conquered Syria, Palestine, Egypt Mesopotamia and Persia.
  • Period: 661 to 750

    Umayyad Caliphate

    After a civil war the position of caliph passed to the Umayyad Dynasty.
  • 732

    The Mayor of the Palace , Charles Martel defeates the Muslims.

    The Mayor of the Palace , Charles Martel defeates the Muslims.
    The mayor of the palace , Charles (Pippin the younguers father) martel defeates the Muslims at poitier and stopped their spansion in Europe.
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    Abbasid dynasty moved the capital to Baghdad.
  • 751

    Pippin the Younger became king of the Franks.

    Pippin the Younger became king of the Franks.
    Pippin the Younger became king of the Franks.
  • 800

    Charlemagne was crowned Emperor.

    Charlemagne was crowned Emperor.
    Charlemagne was crowned Emperor.
  • 814

    Charlemagne die and his son Louis the Pious succeeded him.

    Charlemagne die and his son Louis the Pious succeeded him.
    Charlemagne die and his son Louis the Pious succeeded him.
  • 843

    Louis´ sons divided the empire.

    Louis´ sons divided the empire.
    Louis´ sons divided the empire in the treaty of Verdun.
  • 962

    Otto I established the Holy Roman Empire.

    Otto I established the Holy Roman Empire.
    Otto I established the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Period: 1002 to 1201

    The High Middle Ages

    -Feudal System.
    -First Rusades.
    -Romanesque Art.
  • Period: 1202 to 1453

    The late Middle Ages.

    -Development of trade.
    -Gothic art.
    -Black death.
  • Period: 1258 to 1260

    Later Expansion

    Sailors and Muslims merchants spread Islam beyond the bordersof the caliphate.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople.

    Fall of Constantinople.
    Fall of Constantinople, end of the Byzantine Empire and Beginning of the Renaissance.