Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300
the middle ages
Jan 1, 1000
Craftspeople organized into guilds
Guilds came to play a leading role in the economic life in the cities. -
Jan 1, 1073
Gregory VII is elected pope
Gregory was convinced that he had been chosen by God to reform the Church. -
Jan 1, 1098
Cistercian order is formed
The Cistercians were strict. They ate a simple diet, and each had only a single robe. -
Jan 1, 1100
The song of Roland is written
Jan 1, 1140
Classical works are rediscovered by European scholars
The cheif task of scholasticism was to harmonize Christian teachings with the works of the greek Philosophers. -
Jan 1, 1150
Architects begin to build in gothic style
A new style called gothic appeared in the twelfth century and was brought to perfectio in the thirteenth. -
Jan 1, 1200
Europeans population increases
The number of people almost doubled between 1000 and 1300 from 38 million to 74 million people. -
Jan 1, 1216
Dominic de Guzman founds the Dominicans
Dominic wanted to defend church teachings from hershey the denial of basic church docterines -
Apr 24, 1233
The Inquisition is created to battle Hersy
The churches desire to have a method of discoverig and dealing with heretics led to the creation of a court called the Inquisition, or Holy Office. -
Serfdom grows in western Europe
The serfs paid rents by giving the lords a share of every product they raised.