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The Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Is a machine that converts heat enery into steam then finally to mechanical energy. made by an english engineer Thmoas Newcomen, built it somewhere around england. why it was needed was it was the main power source of the industrisal revolution, it changed society by taking us one step into the future.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Who invented the Cotton was Eli Whitney.
    What it dose is take the seeds out of the cotton thus speeding up proudction rate.
    Where this was made was in America somerwhere in the south.

    Why it speed up the proudtion rate of cotton.
    How it changed society was the econmy went up, cotton quickly became the most profitable crop, and south grew vast with wealth.
  • Typewriter

    William A. Burt got the first U.S patent for a type writer.
    It let you type things up with keyboard instead of writing by hand. where it was made is Detroit, Michigan. Why it was needed toc finalize a piece of writeing and make it pretty.
    How it changed societ was send it one step closer to the futer and improved upon to make keyboards for computers.
  • Machine Gun

    Machine Gun
    What it dose is shoot bullets and help people kill people faster. Who invented it was a German guy by the name of Louis Schmeisser. Why it was invented was to end wars quicker and use for defence against people attacking you and bring us a step closer to the future. where it was made was in Germany. How it changed society was that it brought us one step closeer to the future letting us advance our techonolgy.
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    Thomas Edison reecived a patent for the light bulb in 1879, but historians say that their are at least 20 other contrbutiers.What it dose is light up a room better than a candle can and provide electricty. Why it was needed was to show the use of electrcity and bring us a step closer to modernaztion. Where it was invented was in America.
    How it changed society was give them a huge leap in into the future and show us what electricty can do and how to begin to harness it.