Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution

  • Crop Rotation Development

    Crop Rotation Development
    Crop Rotation is when nutrients are replaced in the soil and crops change placement . This is so the ground can retain more minerals to improve the harvest year after year.
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    Agricultural Revolution

    This was the start of the Industrial Revolution. Advancements were made for farming to make it easier and more efficient.
  • The Power of Steam Engines

    The Power of Steam Engines
    The Steam Engine was developed in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen, and then James Watt redesigned it in 1760. It was designed to pump water out of coal mines, but it became more effective over its redesigns.
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    Textile Industry

    This was another important aspect of the Industrial Revolution, which involved cotton, linen, and wool. Multiple automatic inventions were created at the time to help speed up the process and increase the production rate. These machines include the Flying Shuttle (1733), the Spinning Jenny (1764), and the Power Loom (1769).
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    Stages of The Industrial Revolution

    Many objects played a part in the different areas of the revolution. In England, textiles, railroads, iron, and coal had a major effect on their technological advancements. In the USA and in Western Europe, steel, chemicals, electricity, and oil helped start off revolutionizing new inventions to help the community.
  • Gentlemen Farmers

    These were the people who were part of new and more productive farm machines, like the seed drill and the cultivator. They owned large plantations and often bought out family farms.
  • Evolution of the Cotton Gin

    Evolution of the Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was developed by Eli Whitney 1793. This helped increase the supply rate of cotton, which led to being key to the textile industry. It assisted in the USA becoming a major producing center.
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    Modernized Technology of This Time

    (1800) 1st Electric Battery- Alexandro Volta
    (1807) 1st Steamboat- Robert Fulton
    (1831) Electric Generator- Michael Faraday
    (1837) Telegraph- Samuel Morse
    (1876) Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell
    (1879) Lightbulb- Thomas Edison
    (1903) 1st Airplane- Orville & Wilbur Wright
  • Factory Act

    Factory Act
    The Factory Act was put in place in 1833. The point of it was part of the labor reform laws that limited the length of the working day. Adult hours were shortened and children could only work a maximum of 8 hours a day.
  • New Farming Inventions

    New Farming Inventions
    During the period of time, new machinery like the iron plow, mechanical reaper, speed drill, and cultivator. Machines liked these helped modernize farmer and helped make production easier.
  • Mines Act

    Mines Act
    The Mines Act was out in place to help get people out of dangerous work. It barred women from working in mines in 1842. It also helped people come to the realization that children can't work in the mines until a certain age. This rule became you need to be a minimum of age 13 to work in the mines.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    Charles Darwin studied plants and animals over time as they evolved from their simpler life forms. This is how he came up with the theory of evolution in 1859. During periods of evolution, Darwin realized natural selection plays a part. It shows that some organisms are more adaptable then others.
  • Below Darwin

    Below Darwin
    Darwin's assistant Herbert Spencer, applied Darwin's theory to human social interaction. This is how he came up with the theory "survival of the fittest". This means over time, due to surroundings, living things adapt to survive longer in their environment.
  • Sanitation in The City

    Sanitation in The City
    Louis Pasteur discovered bacteria caused by infectious diseases. This was made easy to find, due to the sanitation level in both the city and farming areas. A method he used to discover the bacteria was through pasteurization. That is a process where you sterilize liquids by heating rabies vaccinations.
  • Ten Hours Act

    Ten Hours Act
    The Ten Hours Act was meant to limit the hours of a work day, which was helped by Karl Marx to get put into place. He believed that the Proletariat class shouldn't be treated as unfairly compared to the Bourgeoisie.
  • The Start of Auto

    The Start of Auto
    In 1885, the first internal combustion automobile was created to help with transportation. When technology allowed us to design larger autos, then it was switched over to a diesel engine. Just a year after this, the first commercial auto was invented.
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    Transportation Revolution

    This was a time period where many inventors started to and completed different types of transportation devices. This helped begin to revolutionize the way people got around.
  • The Interpretation of Dreams

    The Interpretation of Dreams
    Psych professor Sigmund Freud believed that he could interpret dreams. He thought that dreams were a way of showing something completely different, like a riddle. Freud took dreams and studied the unconscious student behavior, determined our human acts when awake.
  • Life at the Factory

    Life at the Factory
    At the moment, there are new methods of production that started coming out. The factory system involved new divisions of labor to separate the manufacturing process into a series of stages. These factory jobs involve mass production, which is manufacturing large numbers of the same items. A way to do this, is through an assembly line created by Henry Ford in 1908.
  • The Effect of Urbanization

    The Effect of Urbanization
    During the Industrial Revolution, many people moved into the cities around 1921 for factory work. This resulted in major city growth, but there were many issues with living in the city. Problems including poverty, hunger, disease, and living in the Slums.