La revolución francesa

The French Revolution

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    National Constituent Assembly

    It was a legislative body formed during the French Revolution. His main goal was to write a new constitution for France and lay the foundations for a democratic government. The assembly was composed of representatives of the bourgeoisie, the commoners and some members of the clergy and the nobility.
  • Formal opening of the Estates General

    Formal opening of the Estates General
    It happened in Versailles. This historic event marked the beginning of the French Revolution and brought together representatives of the three social classes (nobility, clergy and common people) to discuss the problems and necessary reforms in the country.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    During the French Revolution, representatives of the Third Estate gathered on the tennis court and took an oath. They vowed to stick together until a constitution for France was drawn up, symbolizing their commitment to establishing a representative government. This event was a crucial milestone in the country's political transformation process.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Parisian people rose up and seized the Bastille prison, a symbol of monarchical despotism. This act of rebellion marked the beginning of the revolution and symbolized the fight against oppression and the search for freedom and justice.
  • The August Decrees

    The August Decrees
    These decrees abolished feudal rights, aristocratic privileges and established the equality of all citizens before the law. They also established freedom of worship and the confiscation of Church property. The August Decrees marked a radical change in the social and political structure of France.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen.

    The Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen.
    He recognized the natural and inalienable rights of citizens, such as freedom of expression, religion, and property. The Declaration laid the foundation for human rights and has influenced law and rights movements around the world.
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    Legislative Assembly

    It is the parliamentary body in charge of making laws and exercising legislative power in the country. It is made up of two chambers: the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly is elected by universal suffrage and represents the French people, while the Senate represents the regions and is made up of elected representatives and elected members.
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    The Flight to Varennes

    The French royal family, headed by Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, tried to flee Paris towards the border in search of royal help. However, they were recognized and arrested at Varennes. This event demonstrated the lack of trust in the king and increased disillusionment with the monarchy, accelerating the process towards its abolition.
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    1st French Republic

    It arose after the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. Revolutionary reforms were implemented, European wars were fought, and there was a period of political instability. It ended with the proclamation of Napoleon as Emperor.
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    National Convention

    It was a political organ during the French Revolution. It abolished the monarchy, proclaimed the First Republic and carried out radical reforms. It faced internal conflicts and political struggles, but left a legacy in the fight for freedom and equality.
  • The Assembly Declares War to Austria

    The Assembly Declares War to Austria
    This decision was motivated by the belief that Austria was conspiring with the French monarchy to put down the Revolution. The war triggered a series of conflicts known as the French Revolutionary Wars, which had a significant impact on Europe and led to major political changes in France.
  • Storming of the Tulleries Palace

    Storming of the Tulleries Palace
    An angry mob attacked the palace where the royal family resided. The guards were outnumbered and the monarchy suffered a symbolic blow. This event accelerated the fall of the monarchy and strengthened the power of the revolutionaries.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    He was convicted of treason and accused of conspiring against the Republic. His execution by guillotine symbolized the end of the monarchy and was a key milestone in the radicalization of the Revolution. His death sparked controversy and had political repercussions in France and throughout Europe.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre, key leader of the French Revolution, was executed. His radical policies and the period known as the "Reign of Terror" led to his fall from grace. Arrested and convicted, he was guillotined. His execution marked the end of the most violent period of the Revolution and ushered in a stage of political stability in France.
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    It was a regime after the French Revolution. It sought stability after the revolutionary chaos, but faced corruption and turmoil. It ended with Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power, giving way to the Consulate, the first stage of the Napoleonic Era.
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    The Napoleonic Era

    The period in which Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power in France. He carried out reforms, expanded his empire, and led wars in Europe. His legacy is discussed, highlighting both the positive reforms and the negative consequences of the war.
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    The Consulate

    It was the government established after Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power. It was a period of stability and reforms in France, where the Napoleonic Code was promulgated and the economy and institutions were boosted. It laid the foundation for Napoleon's rise as Emperor.
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    The Empire

    It was the period in which Napoleon Bonaparte ruled as Emperor of France. He expanded the empire through wars and conquests, implemented legal and administrative reforms, but faced military defeat and a final fall in 1815.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    Napoleon Bonaparte led the French Army against a coalition of Russia and Austria. Napoleon won a significant victory, considered one of the greatest in military history. The battle consolidated Napoleon's power in Europe and had a significant impact on the balance of power in the region.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The British fleet, commanded by Admiral Horatio Nelson, defeated the combined French and Spanish fleet. The British victory secured their naval dominance and thwarted Napoleon's invasion plans in England. Although Nelson lost his life in the battle, his legacy as one of the great naval tacticians lives on to this day.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    Also known as the Battle of the Nations. It was the largest confrontation of the time, in which the allied forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden faced Napoleon's French army. The Allied victory at Leipzig marked a turning point in the war and weakened Napoleon's power in Europe, hastening his downfall and the eventual end of the French Empire.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    It was the final confrontation of the Napoleonic Wars. Allied forces, led by the Duke of Wellington and supported by Prussia, defeated Napoleon's French army. This defeat ended his attempt to return to power and marked the final end of his empire. The Battle of Waterloo had a lasting impact on European history and led to Napoleon's final exile on the island of Saint Helena.