The French Revolution

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    Absolutism and the French Revolution

    This time period is filled with new Goverment ideas. People wanting more freedom. Many writers wrote about free life. This also is the time where france tries to remove their monarchy but instead they get a dictator.
  • voltaire is imprisoned

    voltaire is imprisoned
    The famous writer, Voltaire is inprisoned at the Bastille. He was put there because he insulted the duke or Orleans with his poems
  • USA inspires France to start a Revolution

    USA inspires France to start a Revolution
    USA's revolt from England inspried french citizens to revolt against the monarchy. Although this was a good idea but USA was a lot farther from the crown then french citizens are
  • King Flees Paris

    King Flees Paris
    Citizens make the king flee due to fear of being captured
  • French Monarchy almost bankrupt

    French Monarchy almost bankrupt
    King Louis XVI almost made france go bankrupt. His wife and him spent frances money on lavish items for themselves.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    A Mob of Parisians stormed the Bastille looking for weapons and killed the commander. This inspired french citizens to riot in the streets
  • Declaration of the Rights of Woman.

    Declaration of the Rights of Woman.
    Olympe de Gouges published a Declaration of the Rights of Woman. This inspired women to fight for more freedom
  • National Assembly wants hates the King

    National Assembly wants hates the King
    The Assembly wants to reinstate the current King of France. They also declared he was inviolible.
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    The Republc

    The republic was a form of goverment to combat against monarchy. Today the 5th repbulic is still in use in the french goverment.
  • Food Riots In France

    Food Riots In France
    Riots all over paris due to lack of food. The streets were filled with people demanding food from the noble houses.
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    French terror period

    The terror period was a time when food was hard to get, riots and angy mobs attack in the streets. Also was when france almost went bankrupt
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    Committee of Public Safety

    The commitee of public safety became a large form of goverment in france. Unitl it fell apart in mid-July of 1794
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    The Committee of Public Safety was the new excuitve Goverment of France. They were resturcted in July and were in effect during the Reign of Terror.
  • Napoleon ranks up

    Napoleon ranks up
    Napoleon becomes brigadier general. He also won the battle of Toulon. He was higly credited for winning this battle
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    The Directory

    The directory was the current form of Goverment in france at the time. Napoleon dissolved the directory in 1799 and made himself dictator
  • Napoleon removes the directory

    Napoleon removes the directory
    Napoleon did a coup to overthrow the directory of france. This made him the new "leader" of france. Also starts the Napoleonic era.
  • Napoleon leaves Egypt

    Napoleon leaves Egypt
    France pulled out of war in Egypt. THis let the British take control of the area.
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    Napoleon as Dictator

    Napoleon became leader in 1799, and was responsible for the deaths in waterloo and pulling out of egypt. He also is responsible for taking over neighboring lands and combining them with France's culture.
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    Napoleon passes away on an island. He was exiled for the 2nd time from france. Around 20 years later his body is brought back to France
  • Waterloo Loss

    Waterloo Loss
    Napoleons final battle was the battle of waterloo. Russians burned the area and only 50,000 out of 600,000 came back alive
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    French Monarchy

    The French Monarchy has lasted for over 1,000 years. The last real monarch was Napoleon III in 1870.