The French Renaissance

By zoee.
  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death spread throughout Europe, killing a large percent of the population. This made the people realize that the era would end if there was no change or evolution. The Black Death was a big part in helping The Rise of Florence.
  • 1400

    The Rise of Florence

    After people realized that the Black Plague could wipe out the era ideas spread, and people started making art, culture, religion, and literal changes. The made the area of Florence and other places Rise. This also helped famous artists to spread new ideas.
  • 1429

    The de Medici Family

    The de Medici family was a very powerful family of bankers. They were bankers for important people such as the pope. They began to rise throughout the century. They were known as a family not to mess with.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci and The Rise of Art and culture

    Leonardo was born in 1452, one of the reasons he is very important to the rise of art and the Renaissance is because he became a very famous artist. He inspired many other famous artists back then to start creating art and other things. This helped evolution and culture and inspired lots of changes.
  • 1454

    The Gutenberg Bible

    In 1454 John Gutenberg published "The Gutenberg Bible". while publushing the bible he used a new printing press technology. This technology would help the European literacy.
  • 1501


    During this time, Europe was being impacted by political events. These events such as Julius II was going to be the new pope, this meant that the start of The Golden age was going to surface soon. Many other rulers came to take power in England such as Henry the VIII and Francis I. ("Francis I took the french throne in 1515").
  • 1550

    The Peace of Augsburg (s)

    The Peace of Augsburg helped with the tension that was created by the Reformation. It helped by allowing co-existing protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire. Even though the Peace of Augsburg was helping, many rulers continued to take over.
  • 1555


    IN 1555 the Reformation was signed. This helped divide Europe and the Roman Catholic church.(and the new Lutheran church that was made). Most princes were turned to believe in the Lutheran church at that time.
  • 1563

    The Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent was the 19 ecumenical council of the Catholic church. The Council of Trent was prompted by the protestant reformation. This was a major European movement.
  • The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation happened in the European area in the 16 century. This Reformation was a big movement. It was also practices of the Roman Catholic church.