Andrieux   la bataille de waterloo

World History Block 2

  • Jan 1, 1096

    Crusades are fought/ First Crusade

    Crusades are fought/ First Crusade
    War between Christians, and Muslims over holy land. There were cruesades from 1096-1291. Kings gained more power and new technology was created.
  • Aug 28, 1300

    Renaissance begins

    Renaissance begins
    The renaissance, french for rebirth, is the end of the "dark ages" or "medival times." It was a time of art and the birth of humanism. It changed technology, and the spark of many mordern ideas.
  • Jan 1, 1337

    100 Years War begins

    100 Years War begins
    A war between Great Britain, and France. This was a territorial war over France, in the end France won, and England lost a lot of land. This was one of the longest recorded wars in history.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death Begins in Europe

    Black Death Begins in Europe
    It wiped out 1/3 of the Euorpean population. It was transported by fleas on rats that got on ships and traveled. It was the largest sickness in history.
  • Sep 19, 1368

    Ming Dynasty in China

    Ming Dynasty in China
    Zhu Yuanzhang officially proclaimed himself emperor in Yingtian and founded the Ming Dynasty. In the same year, the Ming army captured Dadu (currently Beijing), the capital city of Yuan, and rid China of most of the remaining Mongols, ultimately ending Yuan. The Ming Dynasty was an era of international trade and the growth in importance of urban economic centres. 1368-1644
  • Sep 29, 1405

    Voyages of Zheng He

    Voyages of Zheng He
    He sailed the Indian ocean and explored the lands in the ocean. It has also been inferred from passages in the History of Ming that the initial voyages were launched as part of the emperor's attempt to capture his escaped predecessor, which would have made the first voyage the largest-scale manhunt on water in the history of China. 1405-1433
  • Sep 11, 1431

    Joan of Ark

    Joan of Ark
    She fought in the 100 years war, and was 19 years old. She was considered a heretic according to the church. As of 1920, she is considered a saint.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe.
  • Oct 1, 1453

    Ottomans conquer Constantinople

    Ottomans conquer Constantinople
    This marked the end of the Roman empire. Ottomans used large cannons to seige Constantinople. This also changed warfare and got people interested in weapons using black powder.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus 1st voyage

    Columbus 1st voyage
    Columbus Sailed the Atlantic ocean to prove you can go west to Asia. Columbus found land In the carribean see, but he didnt realize it wasnt Asia. This lead to the discovery of the american continents.
  • Oct 17, 1492

    Jews, gypsies & moors expelled from spain.

    Jews, gypsies & moors expelled from spain.
    They were forced to either convert, or leave. Many resettled in eastern and southern Europe. Many had to live in ghettos.
  • Sep 19, 1500

    Slave trade across the atlantic

    Slave trade across the atlantic
    The Atlantic slave trade was the enslavement and transportation, primarily of African people, to the colonies of the New World. Most enslaved people were shipped from West Africa and Central Africa and taken to North and South America to work on countless goods. This later becomes the African American population. 1500-1800
  • Oct 9, 1501

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empire
    The founder was a 14-year-old boy named Esna'il. They fought other muslims named the Ottomans. He gained control of what is now Iran, and part of Iraq1501-1722
  • Sep 5, 1502

    Naming of the "new World"

    Naming of the "new World"
    America was named in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. For his discovery of the mainland of the New World. This made it official that there was new land.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Da Vinci paints the "Mona Lisa"

    Da Vinci paints the "Mona Lisa"
    This is one of the most famous paintings in history. It changed art, especially the way we do portraits. His most famous work of art.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel
    This is Michelangelo's greatest painting, and it can still be admired today. It changed art and how anyplace can be a canvas.
  • Sep 17, 1519

    Magellan starts his "around the world" trip

    Magellan starts his "around the world" trip
    Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean, which meant "Peaceful Ocean," and the first to cross the Pacific. He didn't make it all the way. But a handful of his crew did.
  • Sep 19, 1524

    Da Gama Lands in India

    Da Gama Lands in India
    Da Gama sailed from Portugal, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, he then set off across the Indian Ocean and after a series of attacks he finally made it to India. This proved it was also possible to travel around Africa to get to India.
  • Oct 17, 1526

    Mughal Empire begins

    Mughal Empire begins
    Babur and his army marched deep into India headed for the capital Dehli. They were outnumbered, yet they were better trained, and won. This was India's first Muslim Empire.
  • Sep 19, 1528

    Pizarro invades the Inca Empire

    Pizarro invades the Inca Empire
    Pizarro, and his crew land in the Incas. They attack and take some land for their own. This was one of the most important campaigns in the Spanish colonization of the Americas.
  • Sep 23, 1534

    Henry VIII founds Anglican Church

    Henry VIII founds Anglican Church
    It is the beginning a series of events known as the English Reformation. It seprated itself from the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Aug 29, 1543

    Copernicus heliocentric theory

    Copernicus heliocentric theory
    This was the theory that the sun was the center of the universe, instead of the earth. This publication and theory was often denied by the public. It was a big improvment on the study of astronomy.
  • Oct 16, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    This was the most important movement in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. It's purpose was to condemn the beliefs of the Protestants. This helped the Catholic Church regain some power.
  • Sep 25, 1556

    Philip II Rules Spain

    Philip II Rules Spain
    Philip is known for organizing a huge naval expedition against Protestant England in 1588, known usually as the Spanish Armada, which was unsuccessful, mostly due to storms and grave logistical problems.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
    Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Bess, the childless Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. One of her first actions as queen was the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the Supreme Governor. This Elizabethan Religious Settlement later evolved into today's Church of England.
  • Jamestown, founded

    Jamestown, founded
    Some 100 English colonists arrive along the west bank of the James River in Virginia to found Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America. Dispatched from England by the London Company, the colonists had sailed across the Atlantic aboard the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery. This was the beginning of the English colonies.
  • Louis XIV Became King

    Louis XIV Became King
    He led France through a time of great power, prosperity, and gloty. His reign had a lasting impact on France-both positive and negative. He was only 18 years old when he declared he would control the government all himself.
  • Qing Dynasty Begins

    Qing Dynasty Begins
    The Qing multi-cultural empire lasted almost three centuries and formed the territorial base for the modern Chinese state. It was the last dynasty before the Republic of China. It ended in 1911.
  • Thomas Robbes writes Leviathan

    Thomas Robbes writes Leviathan
    His book persuades that all people are selfish and greedy. Wrote that peole lived lives that were solitary, poor, nasty, short. Thought that people should give up rights to a strong leader in exchange for peace.
  • Oliver Cromwell rules England

    Oliver Cromwell rules England
    He was in conflict with royalists. Was very unpopular in other countries. Started a war with the Dutch.
  • Peter I Becomes Czar

    Peter I Becomes Czar
    "Peter the Great" was the Czar of Russia. Peter the Great is credited with dragging Russia out of the medieval times to such an extent that by his death in 1725, Russia was considered a leading eastern European state.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    This age cause Eupoean thinkers to thinnk about the power of reason. They came to the remarkable conclusion that reason could be used to solve al human problems.This was a time for excitement, optimism, and possibility.
  • Catherine the Great rules Russia

    Catherine the Great rules Russia
    The period of Catherine the Great's rule, the Catherinian Era, is often considered the Golden Age of the Russian Empire and the Russian nobility.
  • U.S. Constitution is ratified

    U.S. Constitution is ratified
    This became the foundation of U.S. Laws and Rights. The constitution was written by Thomas Jefferson. This was the guideline of how the U.S. should be.
  • French revolution begins

    French revolution begins
    King Louis XVI needed money, so he brought in a number of financial advisors to review the weakened French treasury. Each advisor reached the same conclusion, that France needed a radical change in the way it taxed the public, and each advisor was, in turn, kicked out.
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
    A violent time that happened after the onset of the French Revlolustion. Thousands of people died. Many people lost their minds, literally.
  • Napoleon becomes Emporer

    Napoleon becomes Emporer
    He was the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years. He was a feirce military leader, and conquered lots of Europe. He was put out of power when he lost the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Napolean @ Waterloo

    Napolean @ Waterloo
    Napolean, one of the great European conquerers, was defeated at Waterloo. Napolean conquered a lot of Europe. He changed the way we do militarys. .
  • Tokugawa Shogunate ends

    Tokugawa Shogunate ends
    This was the last fuedal military government in Japan. The people in charge were called Shoguns. And all of the Shoguns came from theTokugawa Clan.