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The Feud Between King Philip IV & Pope Boniface VIII

By Wyervan
  • Jan 1, 1296

    More Power

    More Power
    Pope Boniface VIII asks all secular rules to ask permission first before taxing the clergy on their lands. King Philip IV responds with messangers and letters, which is how most of the fighting of this battle took place. The King refuses to obey this new rule because France and England are about to go war and the Frence government needs the money from the taxes that the clergy paid. The pope hopes to end the war before it even starts as both sides need the tax money.
  • Jan 1, 1297


    Pope Boniface VIII gives some freedom to secular leaders when taxing the clergy of the state.
  • Jan 1, 1301


    The Pope sends a very private letter to King Philip IV of French proclaiming his concern for the defience of the king. At this point, people were arguing about if the pope just wanted more control, or if it was the french king who wanted more power over religion and therefore, the people.
  • Jan 1, 1302


    Philip accused the pope of abusing his religious power and instructs his minister to write up formal charges against Boniface VIII.
  • Jan 1, 1303


    Philip's charges are send to the pope, along with his royal minister and several mercenaries, to go and arrest Boniface VIII. Boniface is rescued but dies a month later.
  • Jan 1, 1305

    New Pope

    New Pope
    Philip IV attempts to persuade the cardinals to choose a French Archbishop as pope. In this way, King Philip IV technically won the feud between him and the previous pope.