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Events that helped Rome fall

By lhikel
  • 3000 BCE

    Lead poising

    Lead poising
    -Historians also believe that lead poising caused there default in numbers to also help in the falling of Rome.
    -There makeup was made out of lead.
    -They would also boil a plant that made a good sweetener with there lead pots and that is also one of the reasons they were getting sick.
  • 1181 BCE

    Over expansion

    Over expansion
    -They had way to much land to care for so they made a legislative nightmare.
    - Didn't have communication for all of the land they had.
  • 476 BCE

    Corrupt Government

    Corrupt Government
    -The size of Rome made it hard to Govern.
    -They would let the Emperors bodyguard kill him if they were not fit to run.
  • 476 BCE

    Wasting currency

    Wasting currency
    -spend it on the coliseum instead of on the military.(One third of the money was wasted)
    -waste large amounts on a daily basis.
  • Period: 400 BCE to 301 BCE

    War with the Huns.

    -In 390 B.C the Huns came and attacked Rome.
    -Attacked Ostrogoth two years after they came to Europe.
  • 330 BCE

    The east

    The east
    -When Constantine made Christianity a Religion he split Rome in two and was a dumb mistake.

    -Over time the east became provincial and full of life.
    -The east and the west traded.
  • 330 BCE

    The west

     The west
    -The west was the least provincial of the two places.
    -They would trade with the east and they didn't have enough money to pay them for there food.
    -there currency meant nothing.
  • Period: 313 BCE to 64


    -Constantine made it legal to be christian.
    -The Government blamed the fall of Rome on the Christians only, because it drew out a lot of there ancient things that they would actually need.
  • 100 BCE


    -They relied to much on the slaves that it probably killed them.
    -they let tons of slaves go and it hurt them in the long run.
  • Period: 96 BCE to 180


    -Nero and other Emperors would debase the currency in order to get more money.
    -The government thought it would be a good idea if they put more taxes on the people.
    -Even some rich people couldn't afford the taxes so they would move to country side.
  • 27 BCE

    Overspending on Military.

    Overspending on Military.
    -They didn't have enough troops to fight against the rebels or against the outside forces.
    -Wasted money on the wrong things instead of the Military.
  • Period: 1 BCE to 400 BCE

    Inferior technology

    -They relied to much on salves to make there on technology better.
    -They were losing territories.
  • Period: 43 to 410

    weakening of Roman army's

    -They hired Germanic soldiers, but they weren't loyal to the Roman empire.
    -The army was so corrupted that even the army's leader's weren't loyal to the Roman empire.
  • 117

    Debased currency

    -In the end of there rein the coin meant nothing at all.
    -Before there coins were made of gold and silver and as the empire got older the metals got harder to find.
  • 200

    Expansion of the government

    -In order to keep there wealth, cause they were wasting money, they had to tax a lot harder.
    -The Roman senate was wasting money and they basically ended them selves.
  • Period: 200 to 300

    Family disintegration

    -They had to be tied down and was frowned apron if they got divorced because of Christianity.
    -Low birth rate.
  • Period: 200 to 300

    Political instability

    -Rome had problems when it came to empires some were fine but some were really bad and screwed them over.
    -Crime rates went up and once safe roman streets were now a death sentence for some people.
  • 377

    Black plague and other diseases.

    Black plague and other diseases.
    -Many historians believe that the black plague other diseases hit Rome hard enough that the barbarians could attack them.
    -The small pox also hit when they were at war with the barbarians so they didn't have enough men to fight them.
  • 378

    Barbarian tribes

    Barbarian tribes
    -When the Huns invaded Germanic some of the survivors would stay at the border of Rome. The Romans started neglecting them they started a revolt.
    -They made a peace treaty with Rome, but it soon be forgotten.
  • 410

    Economic troubles

    -They were having trouble on the in side and out.
    -The line between poverty and wealth is a huge gap.