
The fall of the roman empire

  • 100

    Second Triumvirate

    After Caesar's nephew, Octavian becomes winner he forms the second triumvirate with Lepidus and Mark Antony. Antony then becomes hitched with the Egyptian queen named Cleopatra. This effects Octavian to not trust Mark Antony and a civil war begins. Octavian wins the war aginst Mark Antony and Cleopatra and is crowned leader of rome. He then titles himself "Augustus" and becomes Augustus caesar. He was the first emperor of rome.
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    Augustus Caesar

    Augustus Caesar
    ausustus During Augustus Caesar's rule he expanded the Roman Emprie. One of the great contributins Augustus gave was Improving the roads, bridges and aqueducts. From Augustus ruling Rome's trade fostered, econemy began to improve and the art and literature flourished.
  • 100

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Rome immagrated into 200 years of peace and prosperity. This time was called Pax Romana. That means Roman Peace. During this peace Rome reached its peak in terms of land,econemy and population.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    roman empire

  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus ruled from 161 ce to 180 ce. He was the last of the good five emporers. Important things he did were unifing rome's economy, putting down rebelions and fighting off invations. Aurelius helped rome greatly, but then chose his son Comodus to follow him as emporer. This began the decline of the Roman Empire.
  • 235

    50 years of decline

    Rome entered a period of decline. This was caused by four major reasons. Weak, corupt rulers took a tole of rome because all they wanted was money and entertainment. This led to a weak army, serious economic problems and a loss in the empire's population. Other tribes took advantage of this and stared to invade which caused rome to loose size and land.
  • 306


    Constantine rules 306ce to 337ce. Constantine and his co emperor Licinius found themselfs in a battle over sole controll over Rome. Constantine was victorious over Licinius and took full controll over the empire. He used his power to reunite the empire and converted to christianity. During his rule, Edict of Milan granted the freedom to worship, this strongly encouraged the spread of Christianity. In 330 ce Constantine moved the capital of rome to Constantinople a, ancient city of Byzantium.
  • 400

    Invasions and Collapse

    After death of Constantine, invaders assulted the empire. These attackers were called barbarians. In 400 ce, Rome could not preclued invations. In 410 ce the Visigoths captured and looted Rome. In 455 ce the Vandals left Rome powerless and in 476 ce theOstrogoths led final collapse of rome. After rome fell, the eastern part stayed stable and Constantinople became capital of Byzantine Empire.
  • 500

    Byzantine Culture

    byzantine Byzantine went on to start a new silk business. They ordered construction of many public buildings, courts, hospitals, aqueducts, and fortresses.The most famous building was called the Hagia Sophia, meaning Holy wisdom in greek. This was the roman church.
  • Commodus

    and asssasinated him on 12/31/192ce
  • Diocleation

    of the empire. Unfortunatly, Diocletion abdicated power in 305 ce.
  • Commodus

    Marcus Aurelius's son Commodus ruled from 180ce to 192 ce.
    He was considered one of the ''bad'' emporers. Commodus was more interested in entertainment such as chariot races and gladiator battles more then he was in governemnt. He did not care about the resposibilitys he had and let others help him rule the empire. When Rome grew short of money or should i say Commodus grew short of money, he ordered the death of wealthy citizens. Eventually, Rome's people got tired of his selfish ways
  • Diocletion

    Diocletian was the first good emperor sence the series of bad emperors. He worked to strengthen the empire and stop the decline. One of Diocletion's ideas was to appoint a co-emperor to help rule, his name was Maximian. His second idea was to divied the empire in to two parts, east and west. Diocletion ruled the wealthier eastern half and Maximian ruled the west. Lucky for rome, Diocletion doubled the size of the army. He also enhanced tax structure. He took steps to stop economic decline