The Dark Ages

By haekim
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Flavius Odoacer led a group of Ostrogoths and dethroned Romulus Augustus, the last official emperor of Western Rome. Although few disagree, this date is usually recognized as the fall of Rome.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300

    The Dark Ages

    The dark ages, 476 CE to 1300 CE, is a part of the middle ages, 476 CE to 1500 CE. It is named the dark ages because, in comparison to the light of the Roman Empire, people were in a state of intellectual, political, and economic darkness. However, some argue that this name is inappropriate because despite the regressions, advances in art, literature, and architecture were evident.
  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad, the great prophet, was born on this day. This is significant because he was the start of the Islam religion, and the dark ages was a time when Islam grew tremendously.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Also known as the battle of Poitiers, this battle was fought in France, between the cities of Tours and Poitiers. It was fought between the Franks and the Umayyad armies. The Franks won. This event is significant because the Franks' victory and the Caliphate's death meant that Charlemagne now had control over the Umayyad territory.
  • Nov 27, 1095

    First Crusade Starts

    The crusades were religious military attempts made by Christians to capture Jerusalem, their Holy Land, back from the Muslims. There were a number of crusades, but the first crusade was ordered by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont and started in 1905 CE.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    Capture of Jerusalem

    The crusaders capture their Holy Land, Jerusalem. They have now obtained their original goal to win back their Holy Land. However, this is just in the First Crusade, and the crusades continue on for very extended amounts of time.
  • Jan 1, 1202

    Liber Abaci

    Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, also known as Fibonacci, publishes Liber Abaci. This book is significant because it introduces the simple Hindu-Arabic numerals to the rest of the world using the complex Roman numerals.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Mongol Empire

    Genghis Khan founds the Mongol Empire starting in 1206. His empire grows significantly over the years of his reign. Clearly, this is significant because his empire ruled the majority of Asia and parts of Europe, and such unification was rare, especially in the dark ages.
  • Jan 1, 1271

    II Milione

    Rustichello de Pisa recorded the travels of Marco Polo around the world in ll Milione. Pisa started recording Polo's travels in 1271 and completed it around 1291. II Milione is significant because it helped introduce Central Asia and China to the rest of Europe.
  • Corpus Juris Civilis

    Corpus Juris Civilis, sometimes referred to as Justinian's code of law, was first issued by Justinian I, Eastern Roman Emperor, in 529 CE. The Corpus Juris Civilis is significant because it is the first set of written law for all of the public to see. Additional amendments were added to the code until its completion in 534 CE.
  • Charlemagne Crowned

    Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great or Charles I, was crowned Imperator Augustus or Holy Roman Emperor. Obviously, this is significant because it signifies his rule.