
The Dark Ages

By Sixela
  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

    Fall of Roman Empire
    Seperation of the East and West side created a rift in political power. The lack of economic strength, military problems, and Christianity, The economy was used to supporting a much smaller amount of land and population then it had to. This proportion of not enough land to people/space was bad and caused a decline in production. Christianity was a problem because of the battles over it and it created a inequality amongst the people. It also took away power from the leaders of Rome.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300

    The Middle Ages

    A period in which Rome fell and we plumeted from the highest peek in civilizations, to an ignorant bottom level. Time filled with death from a lack of hygiene, food, and water. A dark period in the views of the human life.
  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad's Birth
    Born in Mecca, a simple merchant, Muhammad will grow to be a prophet. The leader in which a world religion is born. That world religion being, Islam.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    First Crusade of the Holy Land

    First Crusade of the Holy Land
    Holy war. Chriastians from European states against Saracens, (Muslims). Religious ignorance and disbelief that another could have a different opinion to how the world began and what happens after daeth cause battles lasting for many years. (after amin eight there were minor ones until 1291).
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Genghis Khan founded Mongol Empire

    Genghis Khan founded Mongol Empire
    Khan unified Mongol, and made it an indestrucatable force. The economy rose and had systems that would continue for years of support. Khan was a war leader who took the land and expanded it. (Many cultures claim to have connections to him. Japan, Mongolia, and China).
  • Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor
    Charles the Great, ruler of the Franks for 47 years. Ruler of the Holy Roman Empire for 14 years. Before his rule the Christians and Rome were seperated. By declaring himself Christian, and being baptized, he united the two forces making it one grand stand.
  • Gregory becomes Pope

    Gregory becomes Pope
    Gregory was the first monk to be made Pope. First Pope with that name, and the last of the four doctors. Lived from (540ad to 604AD)
  • Feudalism Begins to Rise

    Feudalism Begins to Rise
    King William created the Feudal system. In this he would give alnd for loyalty. This began because of his lack to effectively ccare for the land. He would give it to the highest of citizens for loyalty and protection. He gave it to the slaves to make them citizens. Citizens had to pay taxes as well as agree to follow all of his rules.
  • Clovis King of Franks

    Clovis King of Franks
    Founder of Merovingian, Clovis defeats the last Roman emperor. Though he is made leader of the Franks. Power gets to his head and he will soon try and conquer everything, while using the Christian God as his reasons for mass murder and destruction. He is famously known for using the men from the villages, from which he rampaged, and slaughtered, as his warriors. So it was work for me, or die. Power, God, and fear, is how he conquered.
  • Christianity now in Russia

    Christianity now in Russia
    Vladamir, a cruel man with many wives and concubines, ended human sacrifices in the names of many Gods as he converted Russia into a Christian territory. Before this unity, advanced technology, and life style was non-exhistant. Barbarian Russia was demolished as the new Christian Russia took over. Unifying, advancing, and correcting the inhumanity, the Russian leader, Vladamir, a war hero, and political leader, converted Russia from paganistic to Christian.
  • Muslims take Jerusalem

    Muslims take Jerusalem
    This was a major deal. Symbolizing to the world that monotheistic beliefs held stronger votes, and that Islamic faith would conquer. Muhammad destoyed the relics and staues of the polytheistic religion. Muslims now had control.