The Crusades

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    Christianity was about christians who followed Jesus Nazareth. Christians believed that Jesus has risen from the dead. Jesus was the son of God, they both are very powerful. In Rome there was a Christian Church in Rome, this church had a good influence on people, it spread the culture and Christianity. What Christianity is mostly about is believing in God and Jesus and doing whats right in life, like making good choices and even to learn about God.
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    Christianity part 2

    Christianity part 2
    Christianity was based on life, teachings, and miracles. Christians believe that God has the power to heal and sometimes change peoples ways in life. Christians would go to church and learn more about God and Jesus, they also pray so that God can heal others and so that God can make sure everything goes good during a surgery for an example.
  • 800

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    In The Middle Ages there were feudalism. In western Europe there were poor peasants.
  • 800

    The Middle Ages part 2

    The Middle Ages part 2
    The poor peasants had to farm lands for Kings, nobles, and also church leaders. The peasants did this to earn money and for housing and to be protected, but the peasants only got a little bit of freedom.
  • Aug 15, 1096

    The Crusades part 2

    The Crusades part 2
    In this event the religion of Islams was founded in the A.D. 600's. People of Islam were called Muslims, they are mostly in Southwest Asia to North Africa and parts of Europe. So basically the Muslims and Christians had a religious war and so this is called The Crusades.
  • Period: Aug 15, 1096 to 1099

    The Crusades

    During this time there were conflicts and feudalism, but The Crusades had an impact on the Europeans. These were religious wars. People all across Europe were also dealing with a disease called the bubonic plague, or Black Death. This disease killed a third of Europe's population. The Black Death became another force that weekend the feudalism.
  • 1340

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was a really bad disease, this disease caused people to get really sick and die. This disease was caused by trading.
  • 1340

    The Black Death part 2

    The Black Death part 2
    Because of this disease killed millions of people in Eurasia and in Europe. There were rats that was the cause of the disease, the rat carried fleas that also carried the plague. The rats would bite humans which led the humans to get really sick and sadly die.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was about great beauty and art. There were great painters, sculptors, and poets. People who were famous painters were Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello. So basically this event was about art and learning. Some people took interest in the cultures of Ancient Rome and Greece. Humanism also took place in this event.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance part 2

    The Renaissance part 2
    In the Renaissance they had a great wealth from trading with Asia and the Mediterranean world. With the great wealth they had, they used that to support scholars and artist.
  • 1400

    European Explorations

    European Explorations
    Basically in this event is about trading, the Portugal wanted spices from East Asia and also India. A Italian explorer named Christopher Columbus sailed looking for different routes to get to Asia. In America Spain found valuable goods and they became very wealthy.
  • 1400

    The European Exploration part 2

    The European Exploration part 2
    Europeans began oversea settlements in America, Africa, and Asia. What brought Europe great with wealth and power from trading with those colonies. There were a conflict between Spain and Portugal, they disagreed about who should own the unexplored lands. Europeans destroyed lands that they have claimed.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    During this time there had been differences. A German religious leader named Martin Luther had ideas for certain church practices but the Pope in Rome didn't want to accept his ideas. Martin Luther's ideas had made a religious movement called the Reformation, this led to to a new form of Christianity called Protestantism.
  • 1517

    The Reformation part 2

    The Reformation part 2
    There were wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants. In the mid-1500's there were different Protestant groups, they had a commanding influence on the northern Europe.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    This event is taking place during World War II. The Europeans wanted to blame the Jews for World War II.
  • The Holocaust part 2

    The Holocaust part 2
    Hitler took over Poland which led to World War II. There were six million European Jews murdered.