The Age Of Napoleon

  • The Italian Campaign🟢

    🟢In 1796 Napoleon led his troops into Italy. He was harshly outnumbered, but he still managed to defeat Austrian army's and conquer most of northern Italy. This win gave Napoleon the advantage of having more land.
  • The Egyptian Campaign🔴

    🔴The Egyptian Campaign was Napoleons campaign in the Ottoman territories. Egypt and Syria proclaimed to defend French trade interests. The campaign did not go well for Napoleon and ended with French troops withdrawing from Egypt.
  • Consulate🟡

    🟡In 1799 Napoleon helped overthrow a weak Directory. He then created a three-man governing board. This board was known as the Consulate. This gave Napoleon more control over things.
  • Banque de France🟢

    🟢Napoleon created the Banque de France to help foster economic recovery after a strong recession. The Banque de France was a huge success for France and Napoleon.
  • Concordat of 1801🟡

    🟡The Concordat of 1801 was to make peace with the Catholic Church. It kept the Church under state control and recognized religious freedoms for Catholics. This was good and bad for Napoleon because he did loose some power over the Catholic church but it also made him seem like a good person.
  • Consul for Life🟢

    🟢In August of 1802 Napoleon claimed himself Consul for life. Napoleon had made the Napoleonic Code and had made a better education system.
  • Napoleoinc Code🟢

    🟢The Napoleonic Code also known as Code Civil was a French Code that was the main influence on the 19th century civil codes of most countries. With the code of all male citizens were equal, different classes were abolished. The Code did all well for Napoleon.
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor🟢

    🟢On May 18, 1804, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor. His coronation took place on December 2, 1804, in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. Napoleon paid Pope Pius VII to do the coronation, but Napoleon surprised everyone and did not let the Pope crown him. Napoleon crowned himself instead.
  • Continental System🟡

    🟡The Continental System closed all European ports and British goods. This was the next best thing napoleon could do because he failed to invade Britain.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    🔴The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval engagement, which established British naval supremacy for more than 100 years. The battle was fought jut west of Cape Trafalgars in Spain. The battle was not good for Napoleon because it crushed his plains of trying to invade England.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢

    🟢Napoleon had abolished the tottering Holy Roman Empire and broke it into a 38 member Confederation. This was good for Napoleon because now he has more land.
  • The Invasion of Russia🔴

    🔴Napoleon led his army and crossed the Neman River. He invaded Russia from what is now present day Poland. The result was just a disaster for the French. Napoleon had lost this battle which was just the start of Napoleons downfall.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴

    🔴Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia had formed a new alliance against France. This was called The Battle of Nations which took place at Leipzig, Saxony. Napoleon suffered a major loss. Just a year later Napoleon abdicated.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    🔴Most people of Spain rejected French rule and would fight bloody wars to get away from them. The war on the peninsula lasted until finally the Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon.
  • Napoleons Abdication🟡

    🟡In 1814 Napoleon abdicated or stepped down from his power. He was then exiled to Elba and Louis XVIII became the King of France. Napoleon lost all the power he had when he stepped down.
  • Hundred Days🟡

    🟡The Hundred Days was a marking period in between Napoleons return from his e leven month exile. Napoleon was exiled to an island called Elba and returned to Paris on March 20. This was not good for Napoleon being he was exiled but it also didn't do anything for Napoleon.
  • Waterloo🔴

    🔴Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo. British and Prussian army's crushed the French in a day long battle. Napoleon was forced to be exiled to St. Helena. He would not return and his triumph will end.