The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon is born

    He was born in France
  • Start of the French Revolution

    The third estate became fedup with the other two estates, so they revolted. They stormed the Bastille in search of weapons.
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    Reign of Terror

    The political party Jacobins gained a lot of power at the beginnig of this time. They became the rulers of France. They used fear to beat down anyone who opposed them. Thousands of people were beheaded of the guillotine
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    Seige of Toulon

    Young Napoleon Bonapart won his first large battle by forcing the Anglo-Spanish troops out of Toulon
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    Egyptian Campaign

    Napoleon tried, and failed to conquer Egypt in an attempt to threatn British power in the Mediterranean. He fought in several battles, and sustained heavy losses. In october, the Egyptian revolted against him, and threw him out of Egypt
  • Coup of 18 Brumaire

    Napoleon overthrew the directory, who were the previous leaders of France. This act made Napoloen the First Counsol of France
  • First Consul for LIfe

    The old Directoy government fell, and Napoleon was the head of the new government
  • Napoleon's Coronation

    He was crowned at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. He was crowned emperor, and tried to make himself seem like Charlamange, so he wasn't a king.
  • Battle of Traflagar

    A large naval battle that was the English versus the French and Spanish. The English won a descisive victory
  • Battle of Austerlirz

    The French defeated a Russo-Austrian army
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    Continental System

    Napoleon tried to block all ports in continental Europe so that he could destroy England's economy
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    Peninsula War

    The French armies fought against their former ally the Spanish for the control of Spain
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    Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon tried to conquer Russia, but failed. The Russian armies went east, and the people burned their towns and villages making sure the French had nothing to eat
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    Battle of Leipzig

    Russia, Prussia, Austia, and Sweden formed one massive army to defeat Napoloen and force him to abdictate
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    Exile to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba after losing the Battle of Waterloo. The other leaders in Europe want to make sure that he can't gain power again
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    Hundred Days

    Napoleon came back from his exile, and got in power again. He ruled for 100 days before being forced out of power and into exile again
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon was defeated by a combination ANglo-Prussian army. His defeat was the end of his power
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena, an island in the Atlanitc ocean so that he can never again return to France, or a position of power
  • Napoleon's Death