Technology Timeline

  • Gameboy

    I received my first game boy on my 7th birthday. It was gray, which I thought was boy color, but I was super excited anyway. I played my Gameboy on road trips and after school. My cousin got a colored Gameboy and it was so cool to play with.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    This was the best way to save my projects. My mom works for the State of Utah in the Human Resouce Department, and she is the one who taught me how to save my projects on a floppy disk.
  • N64

    This was the best gift I ever received. I got this gaming system for my birthday as a young girl with Star Wars Pod Racing and Zelada as well. During the soft closure, my kids didn't have a switch or any gaming system and this gaming system was helpful with my four kids. I don't like my kids playing online or gaming online so this was perfect because there is no option for internet hahaha!
  • Mac Computer

    Mac Computer
    This was the computer that I used in Elementary school. I loved this computer because of the fun colors. I honestly only remember playing games on this computer, I don't remember typing paper or anything.
  • Disposable Camera

    Disposable Camera
    I love taking pictures with a disposable camera. I would take this on any event or trip with my family. i remember whenever I got the film developed I was excited because I couldn't wait to see what the pictures looked like.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    I remember my teachers using this in the classroom even up until high school Math. I remember the teacher use the overhead projector& work out the problems together. Then, she would use a rag and some Windex to clean the screen and clear paper off.
  • Texas Instrument Calculator

    Texas Instrument Calculator
    When I was in jr. high, I felt like this calculator saved my life when it came to math class. I use to borrow this calculator for my teacher every day but finally ended up buying my own. It is still kicking around at my house today. My little boys (4 & 2 years old) like to pretend it is a phone.
  • USB Memory Stick

    USB Memory Stick
    I used this a lot in high school for music, projects, and pictures. I still use this every once in a while, but not as frequently as I use to as a teenager.
  • My Best Friend!

    My Best Friend!
    I use this in my classroom almost every day. It is so helpful & I have luckily never had any issue with the projector in my classroom. Projecting instructions, guidelines to an activity, etc. makes life in the classroom so much easier. Whenever I have a Guest Speaker, they always ask to use the projector.
  • Clicker

    I absolutely love my clicker! Speficially this one, I had an old clicker that would work off and on, and the laser was so weak. Then my sweet principal brought me this one, and I love it! I use it often and also take to presentations I have.