Bill tho

Technological Advances within the last five years

By smosh15
  • 3D Printers

    3D Printers
    You know how to print off a news letter or an essaay, but now you can purchase a 3D printer and print any 3D object you can dream of. Who needs to buy thoes figurines in public or online shamefully when you can print your oun at home!
  • Oculus Rift

    Oculus Rift
    A way to experiecne certian games in a new HD/3D way
  • Flying Cars

    Flying Cars
    That's right. Flying cars. Just like regular cars- but you and fly in them.
  • Drones

    Remeber when your mother bought you that cool toy helicopter? Imagine that same chldhood bribe on a not much larger scale. With these new glorified toys, you can deliver fear and pizza's to your friends.
  • Brain Mapping

    Brain Mapping
    Have you ever wondered what the inside of your brain actually looked like in vivid and detailed images? Me neither, but researches have found a new way to do just that.
  • Sunscreen Pills

    Sunscreen Pills
    Forget the old days of slathering layers and layers of sunscreen on to your body at the beach or pool. Just pop a pill or teo into your mouth and enjoy America's drug addiction.
  • Artificial Gills

    Artificial Gills
    If you've ever wanted to spend your days under the surface of the oceans around the world, science people have some good news for you. We are now one step closer to becoming real life mermaids. With this handy gadget, anyone can swim with the fishes.
  • Ultra High Speed Tube Trains

    Ultra High Speed Tube Trains
    How cool would it be if we addopted England's tube train idea and modified the speed slightly to acomidate American's need for speed? Reaserchers and developers are on their way to making America's dream to be the coolest country in the world.
  • Holographic Televison

    Holographic Televison
    Just like in Star Wars, soon we will all be able to experience holographiv tv. Generations from now will mbe in shock that their ancestors had to watch television on a screen.
  • Paper thin electronics

    Paper thin electronics
    Have you ever lost your phone in the sheets of your bed, or droped it under your seat in the car? Well developeers have found a new way to make finding your phone 10x harder with paper thin phones and electronics.