
Spanish American War

By efisher
  • William Mc Kinley becomes president

    William Mc Kinley becomes president
    William Mkinley was the 25th president serving from march 4 1897 to his assanination in september 1901. President Mc Kinley was a republican.
  • Yellow journalism

    Yellow journalism
    Yellow journalism is a big part of the war because the newspapers would exagerate gruesome events to try to grab customers. Many people wanted to fight because of Yellow Journalism.
    ex. destruction of the warshep was the work of the enemy-50,000 dollar reward for proof
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    Was sent to protect US interests during the Cuban revolt against Spain. Yellow Journalism blamed Spain.
  • Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt cables Commodore Dewey with plan

    Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt cables Commodore Dewey with plan
    the plan:attack the Philippines if war with Spain breaks out
  • Spain declares war on US

    Spain decides to fight the americans because we have brought ships to the Phillipines.
  • US declares war

    President Mc Kinley and Congress are pressured from raged people and Congress feels the need to declare war as it is not the Presidents job to declare war.
  • Kettle hill (Theodore Rosevelt)

    Kettle hill (Theodore Rosevelt)
    At the battle of San Juan Heights, T.R. led his men in a daring charge up Kettle Hill, exposing himself to enemy fire in the process. His brave exploits were reported back in the United States by the newspapermen who served in his regiment. When T.R. returned to New York, he was greeted by masses of cheering citizens, asking him to run for governor
  • Rough riders (Theodore Rosevelt)

    Rough riders (Theodore Rosevelt)
    T.R. and his Rough Riders landed in Cuba on 22 June 1898, and were out of combat ten days later. By August they were home and the war was over.
  • Spain signs armistice

    December 10, the Treaty of Paris officially ended the Spanish-American War. The once-proud Spanish empire was virtually dissolved, and the United States gained its first overseas empire.
  • Treaty of paris

    was an agreement made in 1898 that resulted in Spain surrendering control of Cuba and ceding Puerto Rico, parts of the West Indies, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.